
Have you ever thought the world was hiding something from you? Or playing tricks on you?

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Have you ever thought that you could be the center of the world?

And that you are completely different from other people. And that you don't know why you are here.

And you think that you are here to see how long you can last staying alive. And that you are in charge of keeping the world going.

And if you die, the world and universe will die also.

And you only see what your eyes put in front of you? No other person can see the things that you see. And that you are all alone in this world.

Have you ever felt like that?




  1. I started thinking that way just as a way too past time but the more I thought about it the more I started seconded guessing everything else. I know, and by that I mean think, that it is just stupid but part of that question just never seems to leave. I also will go through things that I'll think back on later and wonder if the where even real. Something about them just seems fake. However I do have a history of mental illness, not only in my family but in me as well so I just tend to blame those questions on that..... But again, it still bugs me.  

  2. Yes! Sometimes I look around and wonder if I'm the only one that is real and maybe everybody else are just robots or illusions or something put there for my benefit or to trick me or something. Like a grand-scale Truman show.

  3. Everyone always tells me 'The world does not revolve around you.' But sometimes I feel like that.  

  4. The hidden far outweighs that which we can ascertain.

  5. Everyday All day Right now, this second this question, the answer Im giving you. everything everything, feel like that

    YEAH you must know something, I know you know cause you ask that question, I feel that way all the time or maybe it can just be life. The people that says it's crazy or paranoid don't know nothing they are just scared those are the ones that say they don't believe in ghost but all awhile they thinking in their head they thought they saw a ghost, but QUICK AND SHOUT to tell somebody there isn't any ghost.

    I was just using the ghost story as a analogy.

  6. Only everyday of my life. I think my life is one sick cosmic joke though. I don't think I'm the center of the world, but sometimes I feel like some people were put here only to wake up every morning and think of ways to torture me. Creepy, yes, I know. But sometimes it just feels that way. Maybe I'm just crazy.

  7. Every person on the face of the planet has felt the way you do and has asked the very same questions.  When I was at that point I finally came to the realization that it isn't living if I spend all of my time worrying about when I'm going to die, how I'm going to die, etc.  The fact that we all die proves that we don't run anything.  The last time I checked, the planets revolves around the Sun, not me.  You're all alone only if you choose to be.  Not everyone is out to get you.  There are the rare few of us that really do care about the well being of others.  It sounds to me like you need to stay away from all of the BS your so-called friends are feeding you.  It's time to find new ones.

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