
Have you ever thought you knew someone and turns out you never really knew them at all?

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Talk about trust & honesty..........

It's unbelievable how quick it can change....

What are your views???

btw, this is costing 5 points and i'm nearly on LEVEL 4




  1. That is why I have only 4 friends.Quality over quantity.

  2. Believe me nobody knows anybody.

  3. That happens more often than you realize.

    Most people only show you the side of them that they want you to see, however over time the real person begins to emerge, and is quite different from the person you thought you knew.

  4. Yes a very good question is it because we are to soft, lets just hope people find out before these nasty people , upset there life to much,

  5. No, I NEVER think  know someone .

  6. Hmmmm, I would have to agree.

    I don't think the ex male knows the meaning of either of the words you've written there, probably thinks they're greek or something and therefore not of importance.

    Still, I like actually getting to know's fun to discover new things - especially about men :)

    As the saying goes - "Plenty more fish in the sea" :)))

    [(((Hugs hun))) xx]

  7. It's called deception and unfortunately it's how life pans out sometimes.

  8. One word 4 u  Ms,S  "KARMA", well maybe a few more "what goes around comes around" congrats on ur upcoming promotion,wish it came with a monetary incentive.

  9. It happens sometime.. I think Kev really is a cereal killer!!!

    Thanks Ms. S... I want to make it bigger, but it's not easy and the friend who's helping me keeps saying "it looks great, kind of"..

    one more time I'm going to shake some sense into him snizz style LOL

    Yes Kev..that was the joke!!! *sighs*

  10. Yes. I thought I knew Brad Pitt. Only for it to turn out that I had never even met the guy in the first place. It was a crushing disappointment

  11. Thinking (or feeling) you know someone is the problem! The reason you are deceived is because you used your thoughts and feelings to perceive in the first place, instead of experiencing directly.

    How can you reduce someone down to a tiny, predictable, unmysterious thought or feeling? This, of course, is the normal way of relating, because most people confuse reality for their ideas and feelings about it, and are emotionally-mentally gratified by meeting someone who emotionally-mentally "fits".

    But it takes energy and compassion to actually perceive someone in reality, to completely experience them, give them your whole attention, your mind, heart, will.

    Directly experiencing (this is also called "love" - although most people use that word to describe mental-emotional gratification), you can never be deceived, because that part of you that is out to get something, the part that dreams up perfect futures, fantasises or only responds to indirect learnt cues, will not be operating.

  12. ok, who screwed you over then?>

  13. I once worked in a small office, just 5 of us.  One of the girls (Michelle) worked with us for 4 years.  In that time she got married, bought a house, got pregnant and had a son.


    In all those years she was friendly to us all, involving us in her wedding plans, marriage, pregnancy and raising her little boy  We all swapped stories, experiences just as women do and got along famously.  

    Anyway she left the company and started a new job.  A year or so later, one of the other women left and went to work for the same company.

    There she discovered that Michelle had a daughter, 4 years older than her son and she had never, ever mentioned her to us in all that time.  She even removed photos of her from any holiday snaps or other photos she would bring into work to show us.  

    When all this came out she said she had never revealed that she had a baby at the job interview because she thought it would stop her getting the job!!!!  Then she had to keep that secret and lie to all of us until she left.  FOR FOUR YEARS.

    We thought we were her friends and that she was ours.  She could have told any one of us and it would not have mattered one jot How sad is that??

  14. Hmmm yes.

    I thought there was a bit of an atmosphere in OK?

  15. Maybe we're too trusting-I like to look first for the good in the person and then wait and see Mrs S!

    Oh yes it can turn-depends how much ! if it hurts someone then it's sad.

  16. Yaay! Ms. S is nearly on level 4!

    Snizz ~ A cereal killer? I kill Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies?! lol!

  17. Unfortunately, yes.   It amazes me that some people can live a double life and fool so many people for so long.

  18. On reflection, not really.  Sometimes I've kidded myself that a person was better than they really are because I wanted them to be, but in the end the truth will out.

  19. Yup, sometimes people play charades & its not nice when the curtain falls...

  20. yeah and it's awful when it happens

    It makes you question pretty much everything you thought was real

    don't let it bother you

    keep smiling :)

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