
Have you ever told the chief it was a dreadful meal. What did he say?

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Have you ever told the chief it was a dreadful meal. What did he say?




  1. yes i have as I'm married to one ( ha ha !!! )  my hubby doesn't have a tantrum like those chefs on TV if on the rare occasion someone sends some thing back he just tries to fix the problem.  any way it tends to be the waitress fault in the first place they tend to muck up your order even before it goes to the chef  ( only JOKING  please don't kill me !!!!! ) but i will say a lot of customers think they no more than the chefs on how things should be cooked just because they've read a few Jamie Oliver cook books and my hubby who's only had 20 years experience in the trade  but the customer is always ( seldom ) right !!

  2. hold on you mean tell a chef about the meal they cooked ? dreadful ? you must be joking ? i used to be a part-time chef and they spit in your food you know ?

    if i had to i would complement their efforts first, because you never know what you are going to get

  3. i said it need more spice in   the fish roll he got really mad and said well how about u cook now. then the chief ate my food and said it was fine. then i took the spice and put it on my fish roll then it was very good. then the owner came out and said i could never come to his place ever again and said i was never to take spices from a chiefs kitchen. So now i hate that place but me and the owner went on date one time so he is very nice to me when i am not a his restaurant. but he was way to nice to me but then me and a friend went to the restaurant i was banned from and then i got in big trouble and i ran home and locked all the doors. thats my time of telling a chief. I would recommend dont tell them just ask for the check and take a box with the food in it then throw it out.

  4. In my part of the world you are not supposed to speak to the chief of the restaurant. You cannot even speak to the chef, if that's what you mean.

  5. yes, and he at first argued with me. then burst in to tears and threw the plates on the floor. so we left ( without leaving a tip or paying the bill)

  6. Probably arrest you, the chef on the other hand, may feel a little insulted but needs to know that the meal wasn't what you expected, sometimes they will even pay for the meal.

  7. I was eating cooked wild mushrooms in Antonio Carluccio's restaurant in Covent Garden years ago and noticed that the diner on the next table was having his raw. There were lots of dead wiggly worms in mine so I thought I had better mention it. AC threw a bit of a fit at my table and told me what did I expect from a wild product! I just felt sorry for someone getting wriggly ones! It was the last time I did a chef a favour (flavour?)

  8. Yes. He said that he was sorry and asked how it could be improved.

  9. The chief told me I was only an indian in his tribe and to shut the f**k up

  10. yea i do it all the time so i can get a free meal

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