
Have you ever travel in Verona or Toscane in Italy??

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i guess Italy will be many monuments..history,great artists.I hear also about Verona and Toscane




  1. i spent a summer in tuscany, its beautiful, sienna is very pretty and well worth a trip,  also lucca and arezzo are lovely towns.  san gimignano is amazing and definately dont miss out on pisa, these can all be done on day trips.

    florence the capital can take a good few days to see everything, its a small city but soooo much to see, here are a few of the highlighs:

    the uffizi gallery, the accademia gallery (where michaelangelo's david is). pitti palace and the boboli gardens, the basilica di santa croce, the duomo, the baptisty, the ponte vecchio, palazzo vecchio and the view from piazzala michaelangelo is stunning.  also if you get chance catch the bus up to fiesole too.

  2. no, sorry, i haven't been neither in verona nor in florence but i know they're two great cities

  3. Verona is beautiful and the whole Juliet's balcony bit is tres romantic.. all the things written on the walls and that

    but be careful, it's a very popular tourist city and when I went in the Summer of 2006 we had some guys try to mug my mother and my friend's mother. My mum and her friend were walking together and I was walking behind them with my friend (daughter of mum's friend) a few feet behind. two guys tried to get between us, seperating us from our mum's and luckily we had caught on so we started a fuss and they moved away a minute or two later but still

    Be  very very very careful.. same thing goes for Venice. Any tour guide will tell you to keep your bags infront of you at all times in either city

  4. Tuscany is so wonderful, personally i dont'like Verona very much, i suggest you, expecially if it is your first time in Italy or if you don't have a lot of days to spend, to start by visiting Rome and south Italy, Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi...landscapes is great, places are full of history, people are warm, food is delicious...anyway i think Italy is nice everywhere, so i hope you enjoy your staying here...ciao

  5. Nope. Thanks for the points

  6. Verona is beautiful Juliet's balcony, (from Romeo & Juliet) and huge Amphitheatre that stages outdoor Operas Well worth a visit

  7. I live in Verona and it's simply perfect. Downtown is all cleaned and re established. There are many monuments, castles, the commercial square made by Romans Piazza Erbe, it's the town of romeo&juliet, there's the Arena, the Scala della Ragione, many towers and churches like S.Zeno. but not only monuments: downtown is full of high fashion's shops, full of amazing restaurants...... it's a wonderful city, in fact we have so many tourists from all the world, japan, france, germany, usa, russia, latin america....

  8. Verona is nice, loads of tourist streets for shopping and eating. Everyone in Alto Adige (the province named after the river that flows through it) does their shopping there. there's some outlet malls. there are roman ruins of a theatre and museums. the Castel Vecchio is cool and has a big museum with art and sculptures. there's also a  museum from a guy who spent 30yrs translating greek and roman gravestones and monuments. and the ampitheatre is the biggest and most well preserved other than the colloseum. you can get a card that gets you into most of the museums and churches for free and into others at a discount for 8 or 12 euro for 1 or 3 days. they did a big reconstruction of the city after a hurricane at the turn of the century (19-20th) so a lot of the city is very well preserved. there is a nice little market in piazza erbe and a tall tower you can see the whole city from. and throughout the city there are quotes of and sites attributed to Shakespeare's romeo and juliet. bring a marker to sign the wall by her balcony (you wont be the first).

  9. Verona and Florence (the capital city of Tuscany) are two different aspects of Italy.

    Probably here you could "visit on-line" these:

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