
Have you ever tried absinthe?

by Guest44909  |  earlier

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my friend brought some back from switzerland and i was all excited about trying it so i took one shot and it tasted like gasoline..horrible but that one shot sure got me drunk. i was just curious how others experiences were with it...please don't say you saw the green fairy either because i'll know your an idiot.




  1. Your absinthe tasted like gasoline!

    The answer is that you did not dilute it. Absinthe is a kind of concentrate and should be diluted at a ratio of about 1:4 with iced water...and very slowly. This allows the herbal oils held in suspension to be released and causes clouding or the "louche"

    The effects of absinthe are dependent on proper preparation. Gulping it down in a shot is a waste. Switzerland produces many fine absinthes including one that is naturally low in thujone <10 ppm  and is therefore legal in the USA. It is Kubler Absinthe, a clear white absinthe....of course the effect will not be there at this thujone level, but it is delicious :-)

  2. never tried absinthe but there is one thing i learnt about it,

    im not sure how many years ago this was, i think it was many.

    but they put tiny tiny tiny pieces of glass in the bottle,

    so when you drink it, it makes a tiny tiny cut at the back of your throat and gets to your blood stream quicker,

    but with the absinth these days

    i dont think they have.

  3. You are supposed to cook sugar into it.  I had a good experience with the stuff from Prague.  Got wasted...didn't cut off my ear or anything.  It was fun.  It was just a different buzz.  Whiskey is mellow, Vodka is crazy, and Absinthe made me party harder.  

  4. Absinthe needs to be properly prepared, according to either the Parisienne or Bohemian ritual. Both involve water and a sugarcube but the latter involves setting light to some absinth(e) to caramelize the sugar before adding the ice cold water. David S has already referred to the "louching" effect as most absinth(e)s turn milky when water is added.

    As a shot ... no way ... stick to relatively lightweight spirits like vodka for that!

    I drink it a dozen or so times a year and it has always been a great experience. It gives a different sort of buzz to other alcohol. Fantastic stuff!

  5. I've had a double shot one nite after a crawfish boil at a neighbor's house I just met. Made me a lil woozy cuz I had been drinking all day. Later on my roommates said I was running around the apt. I don't remember but they have me on video on their phones. The next day I was still way wasted and acting stupid. For some reason I jumped in the tub for a bath and I could swear I heard voices in my head and the wall was breathing. Kinda scary at the time. I eventually sobered up and I can tell you I'm never touching it again.

    BTW, it tastes like dry licorice, not gasoline.  

  6. I happen to ba a pretty big fan of Absinthe. It needs to be properly louched, and even then it tastes pretty strongly of licorice. After a few drinks, my mouth goes numb, and I can tell that I'm getting intoxicated, but my head is still clear.

    I think that's the main thing I like about Absinthe, the fact that you can be drunk, but not mentally fogged.  

  7. Yes, a few times.

    Things always seemed to go wrong - fights, tears etc!

    I spilled some on my carpet too, and the patch fluffed all up!

  8. the green worm huh... my husband tried this many years ago , we were about 21 or 22 years old, he ordered one pint for $100.00 on line, he had several shots, and like anyone who drinks to much, we started to fight, i went outside and found my hubby cut his wrist, and blood all over my drive way, no lie, no forget. i wish i would not have let him buy it, and thankfully i saved his life, and he had blood added to him at the ER.we made a pack to never do that again, there is a reason it illegal in the usa. And try to always take care of yours self

    all things are good in moderation.

  9. the bitter taste is part of why there is the drinking ritual where you pour cold water over sugar into the drink.

    and, no, not yet.  but i want to.

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