
Have you ever tried empathy or changing your world view? A question for all the haters on Y!A?

by Guest62370  |  earlier

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To those of you in the Ramadan who spend so much time hating...those who make long lists to justify their hatred...

...have you ever tried to stop and consider why other people may believe the way they do? Have you ever stopped to put things in a historical or cultural perspective that might enlighten you somehow as to what may have influenced a specific religious belief or practice?

Instead of so quickly judging and labeling others with terms like "kaffir," "shirk," "infidel," "terrorist," or any of other numerous terms, have you ever thought of leaving the judgment to Allah (SWT).

Have you ever tried to sit down with people from the "other" group and discuss calmly why you believe the way you do?

If you feel another has "wrong beliefs," don't you think that gentle persuasion or leading by example is a better way to deal with them than insults, accusations, and murderous hatred?

It doesn't matter if we're discussing Sunni/Shia (or other divisions), Protestant/Catholic, Muslim/Christian, Monotheists/Polytheists or any other groups. If Allah is truly The Most Benevolent, The Most Merciful (Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim), then don't you think that we should exemplify the glorious traits of our creator, and leave the rest to 'him?'




  1. Hey hey hey, hey, hey:

    Scroll down




    The christians and atheists started it.

    I'm wat u would call a guy in self-defense.

  2. I agree.

  3. sister you should have started your question by the greeting of Islam, so you can overcome hatred and get positive response.

  4. Preach Sister!

  5. Well said, I have sat down with many Shiites, and 'calmy' discussed their beliefs, their teachings, and they were really quite impressed! They thought we Sunnis were all 'Hatred' and 'Insults' but that's just generalising. Since I was so polite, genuine, and unique in my mannerism, I converted two Shias to Islam.

    I gave them examples of many prominent Shias who left Shiasim like, Dr. Ali Muthfarian who was a surgeon and left Shiasim to become the prayer Imam for Ahl Al-Sunnah mosque in Shiraz, Mousa Al-Mosavi who resolved on correcting the path of Shiasim and in the process wrote many books including Shiasim and Correction (Al-Shia wa Al-Tasheeh) Oh’Shia of the World, Wake up (Ya Shiat Al-A’alam, Estayqathou) The Miserable Revolution (Al-Thawrah Al-Ba’eisah) Ahmed Kasravi a prominent Shia judge and writer, who left Shiasim to be later assassinated by extremist Shias, and wrote a book named Shiasim and Shia (Al-Tashayu’a wa Al-Shia) Ahmed Al-Katib, a Shia who rejected the hypothesis of the birth of the Awaited One Muhamed bin Al-Hasan Al-Haskari aka Lord of All Ages and invalidated all of the historical Shia stories regarding this matter. In matter of fact, Al-Barqa’ei, was part of a phenomenon that we need to understand and try to spread and adopt. This phenomenon that we are talking about is the guidance of some Shia scholars to Islam and their realisation of the falsehood of their sect...

    So fellow Muslims (Sunnis) nicely does it. Don't indiscriminately insult Shias, or Ahmadiyas, it's not their fault they were born, or brought up in these evil cults/sects. Make them understand, give them authenticity, and proof, and they shall follow your ways.

  6. Thank you sis.....

  7. True.

  8. no, im afraid that is not possible in many cases.

    i agree that Muslims should talk nicely to everyone, but only when the respect is mutual.

    if your loved ones are insulted for no reason and you are doing the smiley face, it doesn't mean you are tolerant, it means you are an idiot and a coward.

    one can ignore insults coming toward himself and say he is tolerant and wise, but when insults are toward his mother or wife or sister for example, then it is not acceptable.



    so you dont consider mother of believers Aisha your mother?

    well i do, shia curse her and make lies about her, and you want me to smile in their faces? you gotta be kidding me.



    killing??? huh

  9. as a Muslim i don't hate other religions like shiaism or Judaism or Christianity ...

    but i hate who hates Islam and who is anti-Islam

    some one show me hate i respond in the same way ...

    and a kafir or Mushrik thing is not Hate but it's a Fact you can't call some one mushrik who didn't commit shirk

    you can't call someone kafir who didn't commit kufer..

    etc ...

    and not us to judge but the ullama..

  10. I agree. I think too much time is spend blocking people out rather than inviting in and trying to atleast understand. I think that many of us believe that when you disagree with someone, they become an enemy, rather we need to think that they become someone different that we can learn from. We are different for a reason!

    We are all united in our love for Islam, just its a personal thing that we all interpret differently, and thats whats beautiful about it. You can learn something about your faith by examining different beliefs.

    I think out love for Allah is the one thing that can unite the ummah, regurdless of t*t for tat differences. Spend more time discussing Allah(swts) Mercys and blessings to us. Thats a far  more worthwhile discussion in my eyes.

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