To those of you in the Ramadan who spend so much time hating...those who make long lists to justify their hatred...
...have you ever tried to stop and consider why other people may believe the way they do? Have you ever stopped to put things in a historical or cultural perspective that might enlighten you somehow as to what may have influenced a specific religious belief or practice?
Instead of so quickly judging and labeling others with terms like "kaffir," "shirk," "infidel," "terrorist," or any of other numerous terms, have you ever thought of leaving the judgment to Allah (SWT).
Have you ever tried to sit down with people from the "other" group and discuss calmly why you believe the way you do?
If you feel another has "wrong beliefs," don't you think that gentle persuasion or leading by example is a better way to deal with them than insults, accusations, and murderous hatred?
It doesn't matter if we're discussing Sunni/Shia (or other divisions), Protestant/Catholic, Muslim/Christian, Monotheists/Polytheists or any other groups. If Allah is truly The Most Benevolent, The Most Merciful (Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim), then don't you think that we should exemplify the glorious traits of our creator, and leave the rest to 'him?'