
Have you ever used SALVIA DIVINORUM to bring on a vision quest or a magical journey?

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Salvia's effects: sensual enhancement, magical journeys, enchantment, apparent time travel, philosophical insights, spiritual experiences, and perhaps even healing and divination. It should not be used casually. It should always be used in a thoughtful, intelligent manner, and only by responsible adults that are of sound mind and clear intent.

The shaman of Mexico has used it for hundereds of years to help less spiritual people reach that type of state of mind.




  1. yeah, you just get a bad trip for about 30 seconds.

  2. No, I have not.

    I don't see why this is required although I am aware that several tribes (all in the southern part of America) use substances.

    As Lame Deer of the Lakota once said "Peyote is not sacred because anyone smoking it will have a vision"

    The northern tribes smoke tobacco, use sweat lodges, and drums and rattle (to place them in a hypnotic state) for shamanic journeys.

    Of course traditional vision quest (different then journeys) use limited water, no food and isolation.

  3. I have not. One person I know has managed to make a big breakthrough in his consious awareness of energies after two peyote rituals though.

    The essential thing is to kill your thoughts and your inhibitions about seeing things which are not really there. If you can do that without drugs that is better. Try meditation.

    If you are intent on using a plant become friends with the spirit of the plant first and make it clear what you expect from it before using it.

  4. yes it sucks. for a better high i would smoke a little koush gaunja. its the cronic

  5. No, I have never used salvia.  I have used LSD and mushrooms though.  They provide quite an experience.  However, I would strongly recommend no one use them.  Although it can be really fun, these drugs are powerful and can change your brain chemistry for the worse if abused.

    There is no reason to think salvia or any other psychedelic substance are magical, allow for time travel, divination or any sort of physical healing.  They do distort the user's perception of the world around him though.

  6. As they say "Just say no!"  I'm not into experimenting with weird plants.  There is lots of other stuff out there that is well known.  I don't find any drugs helpful in meditation.

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