
Have you ever used Salvia? If So what are the effects? Do you think it should be legal or illegal?

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Have you ever used Salvia? If So what are the effects? Do you think it should be legal or illegal?




  1. it's a very intense very short high. it's also really expensive too, way more expensive than weed. i tried it once because a friend had it, and i wouldn't buy it myself.

    it didn't do fantastic things for me, but my husband said right after he hit it he heard bowser laughing. :)

  2. It has absolutely no long term affects. The most damage it can cause you is flash backs from bad memories or you might bump y our head while your high.  

  3. Don't do drugs.

  4. salvia extract is sort of expensive, but regular salvia (although it has less of an effect) isn't really that expensive. I got 56 grams for around $50. Anyways, I didn't so much see things as I did misinterpret things I saw. I thought my friend was a lion at one point. I also heard things, like doors opening and closing and the refrigerator opening and closing, and misinterpreted some of the things that I heard, I heard wind chimes and thought it was some sort of amazing music being played near by. It's not addictive, and my health wasn't affected, so I see no reason for it to be illegal. I've only used it twice, the last time was probably over 6 months ago. I just haven't had the desire to use it even though I've still got a bunch of it left. It's worth trying though.

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