
Have you ever used a lame excuse for not showing up to work?

by  |  earlier

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Sadly I've never used a lame excuse for not showing up to work. I've been tempted many of times! ( ^ _ ^ ) Especially when it's Wednesday and the week is literally dragging.




  1. unfortuantly I have lol, but my boss knew I was fibbing each time but it was cool because I never really missed work anyhow..

  2. No, I have not.  I did call in sick with a legitimate excuse only to be blown off by my boss.  (I NEVER call in sick unless I really am.  Very insulting.)

    I was stressed out from my job plus my boyfriend leaving me.  Stress results in painful sinus infections for me.  I called up work to call in sick.  Of course, if you have a sinus infection, no one believes you are really sick.  You don't sound sick, and you sound like you are a drama queen in pain.  The one boss who is a jerk was working that day.  He had the nerve to say something along the line of, "Well, I couldn't get my hair done either, but I came into work today."  I finally decided that evening that the place was not for me, and I quit.    First and only time I did not give a 2 week notice.

  3. I have more than once at different jobs used a concussion. you know fell off my bike, tripped on a run... I didn't think it would work but it did. They even let me have 2 days off. And its internal bruises or scratches!!!!

  4. Once, and this actually worked: I told my boss that I couldn't find a parking spot and it was raining so I just gave up and went home. I was working at a university and didn't have a parking decal yet so I couldn't find anywhere to park. I went home and called them and told them I was there but that I left.  They said it was ok, and the next day I quit.

  5. you better not do it or youll get fired. my daddy owns a subway so i should no.  even if you have a lame excuse twice they will no. DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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