
Have you ever used a large Prime to impress a date?

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Have you ever used a large Prime to impress a date?




  1. Large Prime Lens.. ( I Assume )

    No, i haven't, and i don't think i would, it's not the lens that makes the camera, it's the photographer. Although prime lenses are big and heavy, they can't zoom in or out, which isn't much impressive at all, in my opinion hahahaha. I would take the lens i wanted to take, not the lens i think would impress her the most, i think she'll appreciate me/my photography for what it is. the only prime lens i would use would be the 50mm f/1.8 lens, which is really small anyway. But, no, i wouldn't use a large lens to impress a date, i would use the lens i needed to take the pictures i wanted..

    if she didn't like my lens, i would dump her hahahaha,

    Nathan Kirk Grammatico.

  2. You asked this for zoom too in a different category, so here's my modified answer.

    No. There was this one time me and a date were shooting elk at Cataloochee in the Smoky Mountains and I got out my 600mm f/4L IS. She was impressed but I didn't bring it out to impress her, I brought it out because I needed the shot and that was the best lens for it. She was shooting a Nikon D2X so she was disappointed she couldn't use it on her camera. Of course I let her shoot it with my 1D mkII.

    An even funnier question is have you have been on a date that had a bigger prime lens than you.

    Haha Nathan.  You're only 14 right.  You'll soon learn that some of the best lenses are primes.  Try and match the quality of a 400mm f/2.8 lens with any zoom lens. Also unfortunately, part of the photographer's skill is the choice and quality of lens attached to a camera.

  3. As the lady who is supposed to be impressed, just know that the large prime will not impress me if he doesn't use it well enough.  He better have some nice pictures to back up his nice equipment.

    Seriously no puns intended.

    Anyways... I don't date much, but the few dates I went on the guy usually wasn't the least bit interested in photography much less were they interested in the fact that I was so into photography.  They never got a second date.

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