
Have you ever used an Ouija board and did anything happen?

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Have you ever used an Ouija board and did anything happen?




  1. me and friends used it once, or twice.. but then i thought it was just a waste of time. i didnt really believe in spirits coming to you just by slicing some ol' coin across the board while chanting words or anything like that.

    one friend got so excited with the 'new' game that she'd found and believed a ghost had come to her while she was playing alone, and she even played in the classroom in the middle of a lesson.

    what happened? she got kicked out of the classroom by the teacher.

  2. I use them regularly. And what I use is a stack of coins. That way, if one person is pushing it, they fall.

    And if you protect yourself psychically and believe in that protection - you should be fine. I also suggest that you don't  use one while influenced by drugs or alcohol. Just don't be stupid, respect the spirits who do speak to you. There'll always be one who wants to rave about killing you, or possessing you - don't believe it. YOU are the only person who can allow another to possess you. If you stand strong, you will be fine.  So yep, I do use them and yep, stuff has happened.

  3. DONT!

    me and my friends did one and it worked!

    we had  cross on her door and flew across the room...eversince then she's not the same anymore! she wont go near that room anymore! its like shes another person!  please dont do this!

  4. I dont believe in it  

    the spirits told me you won't show up, so you know it was an easy guess

  5. i deffinately believe them.

    me and my sister and my two close cousins used one once.

    it worked....

    we were up all night scared.

    but im telling you now, dont mess with them.

    unless you know all the concequences and everything can go completely wrong.

    you have to know everything before using them.

    we actually made our own.

    we made it out of a pizza box.

    and used a cup for the arrow thing.

    it still worked.

    is was so scary.

  6. I did, to humorous effect. My friend had brought one over (it was a board game version you could buy at the store) and we were the only ones upstairs in my house. My sister was freaking out when my friend and I asked the board if we could contact Marco Polo (the explorer of the 1200s). It "worked", and we asked him if he could move my bedroom door, which was next to where we were sitting. Some time passed, and the door started moving slowly on its own!!! After that, we never asked those kinds of things again, but it's been about 4 years and the door still opens itself from time to time, though I don't mind anymore (even at night!)

  7. I sure have,they are great fun.Nothing gets silly people in a lather quicker then a Ouija.What a blast scaring the bejeebers out of goofy friends.Now I like to sit back and read all the answers to this question.It can't be asked enough.The dire warnings from folks are hilarious.Good times,such good times.

  8. I have never used an Ouija Board and don't plan on too; They can be very dangerous and open portals to some very demonic things. I have heard many stories about them and the outcome wasn't so pleasant as many of them  think they are in the end. Ouija Boards should only be used if you have very well knowledge about them; They should never be used as a toy to anyone.

  9. Choloe is right. There's much we don't know about this world, let's not tamper with the next. If you are right with God, avoid evil.

  10. ouiji boards are the devil!!!!

  11. I would never use that anymore from the horror stories I've read. I have a ghost hanging around me that I can't get rid of and I don't need another. Most spirits and ghost aren't too friendly, and where are the spirit guides when you need them? I can only surmise that it must be some bad karma when I was a spirit and did the same thing to this poltergeist that I completely hate. These pests are on lower astral planes and can't get any higher because of their low vibes. They are just waiting for people like you to invite them into your life and wreck havoc on you.

  12. I used one and it worked great.  Of course, those were the days before I became aware of the ideomotor effect.

    Disregard the superstitious Chicken Littles talking about opening portals to another dimension or the board flying across the room.  Those stories may add to the allure and mystique of the Ouija experience, but they're also complete nonsense.

  13. Yes, I have.  

    Yes, something happened.  The bloody thing actually worked.  Couldn't believe it---but it answered questions, etc.  Oddly though, it has only ever worked if the other person was my mother or my sister.  I've never had any luck with anyone else.  Strange, huh?

    By the way---these things are harmless.  The idea is they respond to brain alpha-waves (though no real research has been done, to my knowledge.  Why bother?).  Anyway, they do not open portals to evil dimensions, or let you talk with Satan, or whatever.  A Ouija board, bottom line, is whatever you allow YOUR imagination to make of it.

    Nothing more.

  14. Yes, I have used a Ouija board, about 20 years ago.  I will never use one again.  Some people believe they are a game, or the users are subconciously moving the planchette, but I believe there is more to it than that.  Nothing good can come from using one.  Leave them alone.

  15. yes, i have used a ouija board, and things did happen, some that were pleasant and some that werent, but the ones that werent i fixed before they got to become too big of a problem...

    you can email me if you want to know the whole story...

  16. yes at my friends house last week i stayed up all night coz i got scared. there was scratching sounds. and when i needed the loo i saw a girl walking and it is a long coridor. my freind lives in a mannor house.

  17. Hey D, someone else asked a similar question and this was my answer.

    Please be careful if you are planning to play with a Ouija board. I've done a lot of research regarding hauntings and the paranormal, and many haunting started by people playing with a Ouija board. It's said that you actually open a portal from their dimension and give them access to ours. Here's what happened when I was younger. My friend and I made a Ouija board out of cardboard, and placed all the letters, numbers, and symbols in the exact same place as a real Ouija board. We used a quarter as a planchette. We were told that you should never remove your fingers from the planchette without saying goodbye. Well, my friend heard something so he turned around and lifted his finger from the quarter. We were in his room with the door shut and locked. As soon as he lifted his finger, the door swung open and dented his wall. We thought it was his sisters being nosy and trying to sneak in. He went out to yell at them, but they were sitting down watching TV and didn't know what he was talking about. Anyway, I told him that we should throw that board a way and we did. Guess what? It appeared in his yard again somehow. So what we had to do was burn in. When we burned it, it gave off a light blue flame. Again, please be careful and never, never, never do it alone.


  18. yeah i tried and and it told me to f*%# off

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