
Have you ever used an abacus?

by  |  earlier

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If yes: where or for what? (like school, calculating, fun,...)

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  1. Yeah - that's how my husband and I used to keep track of our sheep and goats.

    Signed, Mrs. Methusela  :)

    Actually back in grade school we used them just for fun.

  2. school - demostration of how the number system worked.

  3. At playschool when i was about 5... didn't know what it was for was just fun playing with the beads

  4. No

  5. Yes there was one on a desk in the library. I picked it up and played with it. I was like 6 so i had no idea what is was. lol

  6. Yes for school to learn some addition.

  7. Yes I have. I believe we used them for counting and mathematical calculation in my early school years (maybe kindergarten or first grade).

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