
Have you ever used an e***a to clean out built up mucous?

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  1. take licorice root instead.

  2. You may want to look into finding a good colon hydrotherapist. Colonics are great for getting a whole host of things out of your body.  It may seem a little weird at first but a good colon hydrotherapist can really help clean out things like mucous, yeast, and placque.  It won't happen the first time though, you will need a series of colonics.  It's best to have someone who knows what they are doing irrigate the colon rather than trying to do it yourself with an e***a or a colon board.  After you have been a few times, then you can decide if you want to try going it on your own.

  3. Using a "colema board" is what you are talking about for colon irrigation. In order to release built up mucous in the body, take avout a half cup to one cup lemon juice in yiur five gallon bucket and use a colema board. The lemon juice releases excess mucous in th body. Read Dr. Bernard Jenson's nutritional books. He is the founder of iridology in the US, but was also an advocate on colon cleansing as a way to prevent cancer and other toxic illnesses. ( Google him) He has an institute in Lemon Grove, California that specializes in detoxifying the body. They also teach great nutritional information at their classes, designed to educate and inform their students on healthier diets in order to prevent disease.

  4. I don't know what you mean by using an e***a for built up mucous. If you mean irrigating your sinuses- it feels alot like getting water up your nose when you are in a swimming pool. I use a Neil Med sinus rinse and it is very helpful in keeping my sinuses moist, unclogged, and I barely ever get colds.

  5. You might want to do better research.  

    There is NO SUCH THING as "built up mucous"[sic]

    This is a made-up condition that only exists to sell gullible people some useless therapy that they don't really need.

    Don't be one.

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