
Have you ever used colloidal silver? For what? and was it effective?

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  1. I have taken it sometimes when I wasn't feeling well, just generally.  Silver is effective, and things don't build up a resistance to it.  I think that you can find how to make a generator to make it on the Golden Report or something.  You have to have a certain voltage and have the distilled water at a certain temp and use the absolutely purest silver to make the good stuff that won't turn you blue.  Really do your research of you plan to take it for any length of time.  

  2. I've used it any my brother used it - both of us for fighting infections, which both of us say may or may not have helped.  My understanding about colloidal silver is that it would help fight infections as an antibacterial or other action.  Whether it does or not, I can't honestly say although I did get better quicker when recovering from the flu and a case of strep throat.  My brother believes it helped with his severe allergies.  I do still take it from time to time, but honestly, I will never take it long term and will only take the lowest dosage and only for a few days.

    There are significant cases of people turning blue from CONSIDERABLE usage of silver - that's high dosages over long periods of time, not over short periods.  So, I will always use caution with it.

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