
Have you ever used healing stones or crystals to help you with body problems (eg. bad skin, arthritis etc)?

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:) No 'Non believers' please, I am very spiritual and would like theories




  1. I use crystals along side my Reiki practise.

    I leave charged crystals with my clients.

    They hold the Universal Energy within.

  2. you should find a reiki practirtioner, or kinesiologist to help you instead. i have had no success with crystals whatsoever. =(

    i am spiritual too and what is also good is accupuncture and seeing a naturopath. out of everything the naturopath has hepled the most through a change of diet, stopped pain and all sorts of thing, next to that accupuncture has actually been proven to treat certain things...

    but yeah check it out!

    x x

  3. Yup! I used crystals ,just only , and i am not sure if it will heal.

  4. yes I found

  5. Yes, I am currently using crystals to help with my infertility and the crippling depression that comes with infertility. It's a real energy drain, and the crystal help balance and give me back what I lost. It has helped me a great deal. As for your second question I don't personally believe you need to charge crystals. If you want to amplify a crystal you put a quartz cluster on top of it. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to charge them. Put them outside under the light of a full moon, or in a bowl of sea salts. That will also purify them. I know there's a few more but I can't think of them. Those are the most common. Crystals balance and help move the energy through your body, which in time can help you to "self heal" They aren't magic, if you want something to heal you have to work hard for it, and they will help. I hope that answers your question and good luck!

  6. birds use pebbles in their crops as an aid to digestion.

    Any other use is sympathetic magic.  

    Stones have been considered to have magical properties for thousands of years.  Stone Henge and various other neolithic temples attest to the reverence primitive people gave them.   Stones were erected and annointed with oil at places of significance in the Old Testament of the Bible.  This is thought to be similar to the Hindu practice of the lingam stone, which is a phallic object.

    You may well be "spiritual", whatever that means, but stones and crystals have no magical healing properties of any sort at all.  By demanding "no non-believers" you are demonstrating that you are closed minded and dogmatic, not truly interested in actual " theories." (the definition of which you clearly don't know)

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