
Have you ever used vonage phone service? What was your experince?

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How would you rate thier customer service???




  1. I've had Vonage for about 2 years and I haven't had any problems with the service, however, my Ex lives in Calif. and she complains about them all the time about her dropped calls, she had to get a local service for her business calls because she didn't want to lose money on potential clients because of the dropped calls, she only keeps Vonage because of the cheap unlimited long distance.

    The one thing that I have complained to Vonage about is the monthly charges are never, or rarely the same each month. They advertise $24.99 a month, but every month for quite some time they keep tacking on 20 cent here, 40 cent here, etc., each month, I'm currently paying $31.63 a month. When I called them, they told me it was due to different taxes each month, when I asked them how could the taxes be different each month when I haven't added any new features and my long distance is unlimited, so the bill should be the exact same each month, they said that they don't regulate State and Federal taxes. In other words, they can't explain why my bill is almost $7.00 more then the price they advertise, or they just don't want to tell the truth that they're jacking the price up on everyone every month to rip people off.

    They have an advantage on people though because AT&T almost charges $31.00 extra just for unlimited long distance, the another $30 or $40, (or higher), for their phone rate plans, then plus State and Federal taxes. So, Vonage is the lesser of two evils.

    Because Vonage is VOIP, if you lose your cable signal or internet signal, you lose your phone service, which means, unless you have a cell phone you won't be able to report your signal outage to your cable company because you don't have internet or phone service. I've had to drive down to the nearest store to report my outages in the past. I'm thinking about buying one of them cheap pre-paid cell phones to call the cable company in the event of outages to avoid future trips to the store, especially now with these high gas prices

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