
Have you ever visited Italy?

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What have you visited? Do you like it?




  1. Si! Molto benne! Love it. Food's good, weather good, people watching - splendido.

  2. Ive been skiing three times in Italy and went to Rome for a long weekend only three weekends ago.

    Skiing was fantastic and Rome was great as i love the History stuff. Food and wine is always good so basically im a big fan.

  3. Yes. I have seen Rome, Florence, and Assisi. I absolutely loved it. It is my second favorite country (next to my own, of course). I get to go back there this summer and I am very excited about it. Italy is a very lovely country.

  4. Yes, I lived in Italy for four months on a study abroad and absolutely loved it.  We went almost everywhere in Northern Italy and it was all great fun.  I especially loved Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples, and Siena.

  5. No. Can't say really.

  6. Venice and it's one of the most beautiful places I've been to.

  7. It's cool, bit nippy in the winter though unless you go really far south like Sicily.

  8. Yes Venice was my first holiday abroad, aged 4 so I don't really alot, but want I do remember it was nice, but quite cold.

    Consider going back

  9. Hi, I have been many times to Italy.... Its a wonderful country for sure... great food, friendly people,and plenty to see and do...

    I suggest the Tuscany area, around Florence-Pisa.. and then on down to Rome .... beware of the pick pockets,, they are very good...

    Have fun....

    good luck

  10. Yes. Long time ago, I was lucky to visit Italy.

    What a great place & warm people.

    I visited Rome only & I fall in love with Italy.


    The historical centre ville is dominated by the traditional "Seven hills of Rome": the Capitoline, Palatine, Viminal, Quirinal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine hills. The Tiber flows south through Rome, with the city centre located where the midstream Tiber Island facilitated crossing. Large parts of the ancient city walls remain. The Servian Wall was built twelve years after Gauls' sack of the city in 390 BC; it contained most of the Esquiline and Caelian hills, as well as the whole of the other five. Rome grew out of the Servian Wall, but no more walls were constructed until 270, when Aurelian began building the Aurelian Walls. These were almost twelve miles long, and was still the wall the troops of the Kingdom of Italy had to breach to enter the city in 1870.

    I can't wait to visit Italy again & see other cities.


  11. yes i live here.. in the south 100kms south east of salerno..

    lovely and hot in the summer and chilly in the winter.. not had much of a winter this year as we normaly have a lot of snow... and can be as hot as 40° in the summer.. only 1 hour away from the med. and surrounded by mountains very picturesque

    food, wine, pizza delicious.. all the food is fresh and 90% of it is italian.. i am lucky as my wife is italian and we live close to her family.. they are always giving us home grown produce salad, tomato, olives, fruit, nuts, veg, wine the list is endless..

    the south is still very traditional very different to the north were it's much like the rest of europe..

    check out the link for where we are although it's all in italian i'm afraid

  12. Yes, I went to Turin and Venice, and I absolutely loved every minute of it.

  13. only in my dreams, I found Rome to be fun while I was dreaming.

  14. I have visited Italy many times. I adore it. I'm including four trips to Venezia, one each season. What memories your question conjures. Little side streets in Rome, shopping in Firenze, stolling under the lemon trees in Taormina, walking among Grecian ruins in Agrigento, a tour in Pompei, seeing the Pope, an expresso in a roadside Auto Grille, a nap in Lake Como, getting lost in Assisi, people watching on the Spanish Steps, an Easter procession in Gubbio. a cold sip of grappa in the Hotel Danielli, a Peroni, fresh sole with lemon, gnochhi with pesto, orchards of olive trees, a friendly shoppe keeper, birds singing, children playing, fountains bubbling, lovers holding hands. What isn't to love? And this list only begins, and poorly, to scratch the surface. Look at Civita di Bagnoregio, sitting literally in the clouds, to see the essence of the Italy I love.

  15. of course! I live here near Milan ;-) You should visit Venice, Florence, Verona, Como lake and Garda lake.

    Have a nice time if you come in Italy. Ciao

  16. YES!!!!!because I'm Italian!!!!you have to visit Rome,Pesaro,Florence and Milan.Beautiful City

  17. I haven't visited there myself, but I have read extensively about it and knew people who had the pleasure of going there. It's on my list of places to see. I'd especially like to see Venice.

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