
Have you ever wanted to dissapear ?

by Guest61723  |  earlier

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have you ever wanted to leave everything behind and start new somewhere else and not let anyone know....let me know if you have ever wanted to do this and why.




  1. Honey, I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I feel like I have made so many mistakes (guy mistakes). Everywhere I go they are there just there. Finally I found someone I love, and I feel like they are just trying to ruin it for me. I am happy, but they are trying to make me unhappy because they are unhappy.

    I have lived in the same city my whole entire life, and I want out.

    To me everyone is two faced. So I choose to have no friends. But I am so done with drama that I just will not tolerate it. From anyone including family. I always feel like moving away, and leaving everything. Just taking my clothes, my car, my boyfriend, and my cats. I don't think I would come back.  

    You always need to remember that no matter what you go through, and know matter what happens, as long as you are strong, you will make it through. This is what will form you into the person you will be for the rest of your life. Don't let anyone hold you back from being happy. Where ever you decide to go, just remember where you came from. These struggles are meant to happen. And they form you into the person you will be for the rest of your life. You have control. If its bad get away.

    "There are good people out there, you just haven't met any. So just don't give up because you met a S****y one. Put them to left and keep moving forward."

  2. yes i would do this rioght now but im only 13.My dad hits me and threatens me etc


    read this this question is mine its about my life and why i want to dissappear forever


  3. you'll never know how much I want to just pack up my car and drive as fast and as far away as I can. 2 years ago we moved from a city that I loved to a city that I hate. My partner is always working and now his 88 year old father has moved in with us. I love them both that is why I say, but some days it's a bit more than I can take.

  4. not really, never done anything that would make me want to (no i am not some goody 2 shoes, just never had a real bad bone in me)

  5. yes, everyday.

    Because I get tired of doing the same thing everyday.

    After I get my education and independence we can go anywhere. Hang in there ^ ^

  6. yes, almost everyday.  but i've packed up and left before and i'm still unhappy.  you can change the location but if you don't change the cause of your unhappiness it will follow you wherever you go.

  7. yes, when things in life don't work out for me

  8. I have and still do. My life is far from good atm, and I have heard a lot of stories of people who left everything and ended up happy. I would love that, even if I missed my family.

    !~Alicia's friend Lauren :):)

  9. Not really.  You would begin to get lonely and miss your friends and family that you left.

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