
Have you ever wanted to go down the baggage chute at an airport?

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lol, I know it's not funny, but admittedly it made me laugh...

Thank God she was ok!!




  1. No. if we did in the UK an Asbo would probably follow!

  2. ever sence my mom left me

  3. oh dear, i larfed as well, naughty really

    i cant believe no one was there to help protect her, what on earth did the baggage handlers think when she came whizzing through to their depot bit, when they were probably eating donuts, drinking coffee and reading p**n,,, doh!!

  4. I think its brilliant - glad she is ok but would love to do it

  5. Laughter is relative.

  6. God Bless Old Ladies.

  7. Maybe not at T5 you may never get out again!

  8. When I was about 10 years old, yes it would have been great fun, what do you mean it's not funny? be honest it was absolutely hysterical :) :)

  9. OMG YES!! We should get a bunch of us together and just do it.

  10. I've always wanted to sit on the top of a car as it was going down the motorway. But answering your question, no, because it has never occured to me to do that. But now that you mention it, yes.

  11. hahaha that is too funny.  I have always wanted to do that!

  12. LMAO!! It IS funny!

    Yes I want to do that too. I'm gonna write to Jim'll Fix It

  13. Funniest I have come across today.  Thanks. I needed that.... long working say

  14. I saw that too and it made me smile.

    Reminds me of the time in my town, when an old lady drove her mini down the subway steps!!!

    She was OK too and no one was hurt thankfully, but it brought rueful smiles.  Needless to say she lost her driving licence.

    I guess we are all heading towards the days when new fangled, albeit every day things to others, will confuse the h**l out of us.

  15. It takes you to a baggage handling area where you get manhandled by a load of strong sweaty men.  Not my idea of an afternoon out, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who would relish it.

  16. oh, it is funny. lol

    I've just read it out loud to my husband, and now I'm crying laughing. Find someone to read it out loud to! LOL

  17. h**l yea, it always looks so fun, I just wouln't want them to throw me on the plane like they do with my luggage

  18. Yes!!!

    I posted this question and it accidentally went into Singles and Dating for some reason!!

    Bless the old woman, what fun it looks!

  19. why do I get the feeling that Bob answers all his questions with "ever since my mom left me"

    It would almost be sad if I cared enough LOL

  20. Every single time I'm at the airport.  I don't think that desire ever goes away.

  21. lol! I'm going to have to try that...

  22. of course

    but my daddy said that i wasn't allowed

  23. LOL! It's not just the elderly though, my daughter used to being ferried everywhere by car , didn't understand how bus doors opened and got dragged to the floor when it caught the hem of her flares!!!

    Bad Mum that I am I screamed laughing whilst some old dear ran to her rescue..

  24. who doesnt?

  25. i'm surprised they found her, how often does

    luggage go missing :)

  26. lmao, i know u shuldnt laugh, but tht did make me chuckle. i wouldnt want to go down the chute, but i always want to sit on the belt in baggage reclaim... doesnt help tht theres signs telling you not to do it...

  27. I've always wanted to do that! even if I did it, I'd want to continue doing it

  28. OH my gosh I always wanted to go down a luggage chute. that would be so cool or a laundry chute in a big company that looks like so much fun..

    But i know what you mean once i was the bus and a old lady didn't make the step and my gosh i felt so bad but at the same time i couldn't stop laughing...i couldn't control myself ...i still laugh and that was a loooong time  

  29. It might be faster than the teacups Mrs S lol

    She was swept off her feet lol-would love to have seen that!

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