
Have you ever wanted to kick another parents asssss but realized that you are now approaching 40 ?

by Guest56281  |  earlier

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has it ever been hard for you when another parent insults you and yelling F word while having an argument and it took EVERYTHING that you had to keep yourself from ripping her fat head were present so i couldnt do it.....i wanted to be the better one and not shout obscenities in the neighboor hood....but it was hard.....anyone ever had an experience like that?




  1. yep been there. It wasnt over a kid fight though But everything else sounds familiar. The other chick( who had 3 kids with her) done the same things, running her mouth and acting like an idiot in front of her kids, needless to say, the kids were the ONLY reason i didnt rip her head off!  

  2. Haha that's so funny. You were right in this situation, you were the bigger person. No wonder her kid hit your kid, his moms a total psycho. That child is going to grow up to have anger problems.  

  3. Yes sometimes it sucks to be the grown up LOL

    We had a rental and we rented it to a very young couple with 2 kids and did all we could to help them out. Bottom line they trashed our house it was so gross. They rented for about a year and it took 5 additional months to get them evicted. It would take too long to describe how disgusting our house was. I had my kids there it was our first home we bought I cried and cried.

    Now 5+ years later our kids go to the same school. It is so hard to just walk past her and not beat her to a pulp. I actually look her straight in the eye and she looks mortified.

  4. Been there, done that too, but maybe you should have whooped her butt.  Then her children would have learned that if you go running your big mouth at someone in public, like an idiot, you're gonna get your a$$ kicked....

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