
Have you ever wanted to move inanimate objects through telekenesis?

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Woman, have you ever wanted to have the power to move inanimate objects with your mind or through telekenesis? Have you ever had an experience? If so, what happened?




  1. Believe me, I tried. It doesn't work. It hurts your eyes after a while.

  2. no.  that's why people are soooo fat.  they should get up and change the channel.  

    Anyway, i have a husband that will move things for me.

  3. I know that one time someone was staring/glaring at me & I lost my balance. I don't know if it was just me..or if they had some power that made me do that. What about the people in churches that "fall back" under a power...and somebody has to catch them? They say it's the power of the Holy Spirit...but I've wondered about it. I wonder if it's ok to wonder about that .

  4. nope-  i wished i could.

  5. I once met a 5 year-old boy from a *troubled* family who was able to levitate a vcr and other toys...

    It freaked him out that he could do this...

  6. Geez you sexist. Anyways I asked a question about having any super powers you wanted. At first I chose shape shifting and something else, I can't remeber, than people put the abilty to control time and the ability to move, think and react faster than the speed of light or a photon. i thought that was cool. I wish I had all these abilities plus super human strength and speed and all that junk. I could shape shift to anything real or imagined and be more powerful than anything with the ability to control time. Pretty sweet huh, I could go on ,but most important is the abilty to love with all my heart, without that power would be nothing.

  7. Of course,who wouldn't?I'd also like to sprout wings and take off.Unfortunately,they are both equally impossible.

  8. why are you asking only woman?

  9. Sure I have wanted to, but I never got anything to move without actually getting up and moving it!!!

  10. i can assure you that everyone at some point has mentally urged that can of soda to fly out of the fridge to them, or that large rock to jump up and hit a certain disagreeable someone in the head.  but most of us have not succeeded...

  11. I have had the ultimate desire to. I've tried it with all my mind before alone where no one could see but it's just not possible for me yet I guess. I believe it can be done, but I dont have the ability right now no matter how hard I try.

  12. i have tried all my life to do that. I cant seem to tap into that part of my brain yet.

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