
Have you ever wanted to pack up and start over?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like I'm going nowhere in life. Don't get me wrong, I have an excellent boyfriend, and a steady job. In these times, that's great. I just feel like I need more out of life. I want my boyfriend to go with me. I'm a receptionist at a car dealership. I live in Wisconsin. I love the fall months and winter around Christmas time, but I don't feel fulfilled! I want to go to school, move somewhere and meet new people. I need new scenery. Where do I start? How is this possible with so many bills??!!




  1. You leave your life and BF.  I'll leave my life and GF and we can start over together, forever in a tropical paradise in the summer,  a resort in the Rocky mountains in the winter...  Let's go!

    * If it were really possible, I would seriously do this...

  2. There's no right answer to your question,I 'm going thru the samething right now i've tried almost everything but the bills just gets more.

    I gest the only way to do this is to save up pay everything then just close you eyes and go

  3. First, maybe try to find something else that makes you happy. An activity that "fulfills" you. People find it in writing, painting, a sport, animals (horses are mine particularly)....sometimes you don't need a change of scenery, sometimes you just have to find beauty in your own.

    If that doesn't work, then h**l, just do it. Go somewhere else. Be happy. :)

  4. You have a boyfriend and a grateful for that. I'm unemployed and facing bankruptcy. wanna trade places?

  5. Every day of my life.

  6. I feel like doing that all the bloody time. I`ve done it twice now. I moved from australia to england. I made sure i had no loans to pay off moved in with my mum and payed all my final bills then headed to england and started again. I loved it. Its great being in a new place where no one knows you and all your stories are new. I also done it again by moving from one side of england to the other. Sold everything i had payed of all my bills and cought a train with a suitcase and started again. I think ive owned about 7 different fridges. There just materials you can buy more.  Just always rent a furnished house. Go do it girl! we are only young once. We have plenty of time to settle somewhere and be sensible. LIFE IS A STORY TO TELL, SO TELL IT WELL!!

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