
Have you ever wanted to run away?

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Have you ever wanted to run away I am 13 I hate my mom i am sick and tired of her attitude she is all ways yelling at me when not even doing anything.I mean for an exsample (sorry for my spelling) O.k My brother bites and kicks me and digs his nails it to me rite.So when I tell my parents about then just sya jacob don't do that but If I say hey brat they go and say stuff like stop calling your brother a brat you ******* brat.Another time my mom was in the hospital cause she had neck surgery.So my brothers start calling me names and making fron of me so i start crying and run to the balcony cause i didn't want to be around them.So then my a***e of a stepdad goes and says stop being such a drama ***** and my brothers don't get anything said to them.I hate my parents and my life.




  1. i got ur email, i think you should tell them that,"I will NOT be treated like this anymore and you aren't going to do this to me." if they don't take you seriously, maybe you should run away, to a friends house. you always need to be in good hands. when you are missing, your parents will regret everything you said. thanks 4 emailing me. also, you might want to talk to a counserler about ur troubles.

  2. yeah i have wanted to run away but i don't, and you shouldn't run away!

  3. I wanted to reply to you because I ran away several times because of my parents when I was your age. It's hard being in the situation your in because it makes you feel so alone. Your self-esteem drops and you feel like it's them against you. To be honest running away isn't the answer. You need to consult a counselor, or another trusting adult. This is very serious. When I ran away it only made my issues worst. I had issues with my brother as well. My mom was always taking sides with him to. If your able to contact your real dad try to do that as well. This is not a healthy situation for you and you need to get help immediately. You don't hate your family you just dislike their ways and that's why you need to seek help. You can try to also speak to them and let them know how this is making you feel and how you want to run away and see their reaction. Be up front and tell them you can't deal with it and they need to be more understanding to you. If that doesn't work, get help from a trusting adult and go to your school counselor. This is emotional abuse and an adult that specializes in this field will reconize it and help you.

  4. Being 13 is hard. My 13 year old niece is having conflicts with my sister. It is hard. Try talking to your mom about this. See if she knows what she does. Tell her that you want her to treat you and your brothers equally. Also tell her about your step dad. Don't run away. It won't solve anything. If you do you would have to get a job and support yourself. Also your education would be put on hold. Good luck with your mother and I hope your life gets better soon honey.

  5. If you have a Aunt that your close to ask her to talk to your mom, and see can you stay with her for awhile, until someone realize that you have feelings to and your not coming back until they respect you..... I would advice you not to run away because there are some crazy people in the world, and I wouldnt want anyone to harm you... Oh yeah even better when schools starts back up you can talk to your school cousel for help, usually when you go to them about problems at home your parents will be a bit more nicer, because they dont like for people from the outside to get into your private stuff at home, try it and you will see a change and good luck....  

  6. you shouldn't have to put up with this. do you have grandparents or aunts and uncles you can talk to. if you are in the uk ring child line and speak to them. good luck and take care.x

  7. I never did run away,

    and, to be honest,

    it's never the answer.

    You'll be an adult soon,

    and your parents must have at least one fiber of their being

    that loves you, or else they would've got an abortion when your mom was pregg-o with you, or put you up for adoption.

    tell them that they can't treat you like this.

    be straight-forward with this, and maybe try to talk out your problems with them.

    if nothing works, call social services.

  8. I never runaway of my life,

    but sometimes i want to run away and pack my things like that.but i never do it.because i love my familey even they are doing things like spangking that.

    But if im in you're familey right now  i maybe starting packing my things thoe...

    when my mom spoke to me like that im going to tell her that she is not being fair and nice to me....

    well i wish she can change her ATTITUDE.....  

  9. Do not run away.  It will not solve anything.  In a couple of years you will be on your own, it will come sooner than you think.

  10. So run away, your parents will call the police, they will put you into juvenile detention (if your parents are smart they won't get you out) then the authorities will ask your parents what they want to do with you  They could be put you into the hands of the state which will either retain you in juveinle lock up or place you into foster care, either way your parents will no longer be responsible for you and when you are 18 the state will relinquish you to your own devices whether you are financially prepared or not.  When you turn 18 the state doesn't care what happens to you and neither will your parents they will no longer be responsible for you or your financial needs.  So whatever you choose have fun.

  11. Your family life seems rough. Just remember you aren't far away from being an adult. Handle your brothers as well as you can. Parents can say and do things they don't mean. Try and not fight with your siblings you don't get anything but hurt. One day you'll be a woman and then you can distance yourself from family you don't care for, but for now stay where you are. If you think your being abused talk to a teacher, preacher, adult of some kind.  

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