
Have you ever wanted to throw a huge waterbaloon at that bitchi art teacher?!?!?!?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well i don't think this will work ,but we are soon going to have a grade 7 market day at school. Just about everything has been done and this year i won't settle for making popcorn and fudge. that's because last year in the grade 6 one my group made a loss, but i have a awesome idea!!! To get teachers to sign up and get learners to pay to throw water balloons at them a price!! Only how do i convince the teachers to participate maybe i could split the profit 50\50 with them or something but how do i get some teachers to partricipate or can you think up any other original ideas ...LOL my dad just told me sell them joints and p**n he was just joking




  1. At my friends school they did soemthing similar where you threw wet sponges at the teachers in that thing where you put your head and arms through, great fun.

    Say you'll help tidy the classroom one day or give them half the profit

  2. tht be kool  u could just ask the principle if it is ok if she/he says yea then do it, at my school we always a water ballons and squirt guns and have a water fight an the last day of school.

  3. Say that you will be cleaning up the classrooms at lunchtimes or something :D

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