
Have you ever watched a scary movie when you were younger and got the scary thing stuck in your head?

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when i was 7 i watched chuckie childs play. and wenever i wood open the closet or bathroom door i felt he wood be there.even though now,5 years later im still afraid of him! maybe you guys had something like that too? like maybe you watched freddy cougar( i have no idea how to spell his last name.i guessed),or bloody mary. and wenever someone brings up the movie or name of the scary character you almost pee in ur pants?. well i didnt really pee in my pants but i get really freaked out wen people wanna watch the movie with me. im just using this question to see how many older people,or younger like me, it doesnt matter. wenever my frends or relatives have ..a doll or drew chuckie i run right outta the house!! and my frends always tease me about how scared i am of him, even though i keep telling myself "hes not real, its just a movie,dont panic" and then 2 seconds later i panic! but im probably gonna get over it wen i turn older, maybe in a couple years or something, please dont leave any messages saying that im a dork or something for being scared of chuckie.




  1. i'm afraid to shower when

    im home alone because of scream

  2. I grew up on the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and h**l Raiser series.  So, I'm pretty jaded to all the horror.  I've never really been scared of any of these people.

  3. Stephen King's It... but surprisingly, I'm not that afraid of clowns... unless they stick around for more than 5 sec.

  4. not necessarily a movie but i saw a polaroid commercial when i was younger and in the commercial there are these two boys in the bed and they hear a noise under the bed and the younger boy gets scared and so the older boy tries to convince him that it wasn't anything but the little boy wont buy it so the bigger boy gets one of those old cameras that prints the pic automatically and takes a pic of under the bed and the they look at it and in the pic are these two red eyes and the older boy says "see it was just the cat" and the thay go to sleep but then you go to a shot to under the bed and you see the red eyes and then a glowing white pointy teeth smile from what would be from ear to ear and then you see the polaroid logo then the commercial ends...i was scared just typing that

  5. i will never walk through a cornfield in my life because of watching 'children of the corn' as a kid....

    i also get freaked out by those old fashioned cat clocks because i saw a slasher film as a kid with one of those clocks in it...

    lets not even get started with 'pet sematary'..... lol

    i am older now and of course these movies are not nearly as scary as they are when i was little,but its a natural reaction to be freaked out by freakish things!  

  6. As a child "Jacob's Ladder" scared the c**p out of me.

    I had to turn it off.

    Also the movie "Candyman".

    As an adult I found the movie "Sue, lost in New York" to be very disturbing as it follows a smart modern woman's loss of reality and her descent into a cloudy world of mental unrest.

  7. yes i m also sumwat of ur types.i still do remember a film i saw wen i was 8 years old,i remember the whole film it was sumthing related to halloween night party.the ghost in that film was like a joker who had no eye-balls,yuck,i hate jokers.i m 17 and i hate jokers and horror films............ahhhhhhhhhh  

  8. I got nightmares from watching pinnochio when he turned into a donkey at the theme park.

    Nightmares from watching dumbo when he tried to see his mother in the mad elephant cage.

    And nightmares from freddy krueger when he murdered people in bed asleep.  

    Not only do horror films give you **** in your head, but things that don't appear scary are just as scary in reality.  It's normal to have disturbing things in your head it means you are a healthy living person who feels the difference of right and wrong. It makes your personality.

  9. lol i watched chuckie when i was 4 along with nightmare on elm nightmare is my all time fave horror movie!!..but even today i still sometimes get nervous and glance at the wall or ceiling above my head..just incase lol (if youve seen it youll know what i mean) but other than that i dont get scared anymore

  10. those movies arent really scary that you mentioned. when i was 8 i saw the ring, texas chainsaw massacre, signs.  ive seen all of the saw movies so i dont really get scared anymore

  11.   I replay scenes from movies in my head , sometimes for weeks. The more violent , or dramatic, the more they stick. Sort of like getting a song stuck in your head.  I avoid horror movies and ones with bad endings for that reason. I have read several  read Stephen King books, but have no problem with them. I am 57 years old.  

  12. It can happen to anyone from anything. When I first saw the original Willy Wonka movie, the Oompa-Loompas scared me to death.  For years later, whenever that movie came on TV, I would leave the room when they showed up.

  13. I was about 12 when I saw Penny Wise from IT, Im 26 now and still afraid of clowns.

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