
Have you ever watched anyone in your family physcially (badly) abuse a child? If so, did you say anything?

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Have you ever watched anyone in your family physcially (badly) abuse a child? If so, did you say anything?




  1. No, but if I did, I would be embarrassed to say they were part of my family.

  2. Yep-my dad beat the crud out of my brothers and myself and I sure did complain about it. But my mom encouraged my dad-she'd store up all the things we had done and tell him when he came home. Half the time we didn't even know why we were being hit. This was before child abuse "existed" in the good ole days of the 1960's. Ah traditional family values-don't miss it a bit.

  3. I have never "watched" anyone (family or not) abuse any child...I could never just watch them do something like that and not try to stop them.  It would take every ounce of willpower I own (and I just might have to borrow some) to not attempt to kill them.  There is little in this world that disgusts and disturbs me more than people who knowingly and with intent harm those who can not defend themselves.  Jail is too good for people like that.

  4. Never, if I did I would turn them in in a heartbeat.

  5. Yes, I have seen this. And was on the phone in nothing flat!!  (later, I was told that once before the law had seen this child.)

      The mom was tired and did not feel like putting up with a child. Dad was out with his friends.

    The last time the judge asked the them why they had a baby. "She did not want to loss the boyfriend!"  He finally admitted that "He did not want to be tied down, he could sell the foodstamps they were getting.

    If you see this call, now !!!

  6. I reported my own sister to CPS, I don't care who you are children deserve good treatment.

    I lost some family that day, but better without them then knowing you didn't stand up for the innocent.

    My sister did not abuse them physically in my presence but she was reckless and neglectful at best.

  7. No, but I saw a woman at a mini golf course kick, yes, kick her child in the back. I was so outraged I went over to her and called her a ********* and told her that she doesn't deserve to have her son. I said that when her son grew up, if he didn't punch her in the face, she should consider herself lucky.

    I realize some moms may feel as though it's not someone else's place to comment when they spank their child. I would agree if moms were spanking (note: not BEATING) their children. I grew up with spankings. I was a bad kid sometimes. The reason children are taking over their parents is because parents have become afraid of their kids. Fine, spank them, but a beating? If you're literally kicking the c**p out of your kids, why have them? Give them up for adoption to someone who WANTS them and will llove them.

    *mutters something about poor excuses for parents who should have been in the WWF instead of a maternity ward*

  8. I was shopping one time and over heard a lady talking cuss words to her child and he was crying, I ran to the other side and she must have seen that look on my face, she stopped right away and said "oh, he knows i'm just playing with him". I reported her to manager, Lords only knows what happened when they went home.

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