
Have you ever watched someone's body while they were astral traveling?

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If you have..did they seem any different than when they were just sleeping? For example..has anyone gone into this state while having a witness watch them? (like an experiment)? I wonder if these things show up at Sleep Clinics when you have a Sleep Study done.Does it register any differently than a dream?




  1. First of all to PD...

    If you have ever done it and acually spoke to dead relatives  and recieved information that was proven ( like I do )

    then there will be no doubt that it is real.  

    but to answer the question:

    No I have never watched a person ap but I have met people who were sleeping next to me in the Etheric and Astral.


  2. Yes..I had a boyfriend who astral traveled and sometimes I would wake up and look at him.  When he was "gone" his body would go rigid and cool.  All I remember was that if I touched him when he was traveling he would come to violently!  I don't mean violent, but he would wake traumatically and tell me that I had brought him back.  It only happened twice though.  I mean he probably still travels, but I only witnessed it twice and certainly I wasn't taking notes or anything, so it would not qualify as a study or anything close to it.. ♥ (Deenie, I still like my hearts! lol)

  3. No never, I don't even believe that it is possible, of course I am very open mind, so, if there's a possibility I'd like to know how.  

    Even though, I had a friend who told me that she used to get out of her body when she was sleeping.. she told me a lot of stories,  I still want some prove... She said that once a friend saw her... while she "was visiting her" and he was scare because she was different.. and kind of scary.. I do not know if this is true really.. But that is what she told me.

  4. Ive never watched a person while astralling...But i have read, others who have while listening to beats that enhance OBE,s...and they reported a lot of shaking from the person who astralled... which this does happen, its happened to me quite alot times, voilent shaking, as you detach yourself...can be quite frightening, but if you can go through with it, the next step youll find yourself out of your body..This doesnt always happen, sometimes youll just find yourself peacefully out, which is much better, maybe it has to do with the state your in while asleep.....As far as sleep study goes, i dont know what would show up......

  5. This is yet another good question Denie.  Let's say someone were the subject of a sleep study and they traveled astrally while being monitored.  What do you suppose the instruments would indicate?  I don't know what the results would be, but I would venture a guess that the results would indicate the person was doing nothing more than dreaming.  Perhaps a bit more brain activity than normal due to a hightened awareness, but for the most part nothing unusual.

    This isn't conclusive proof that someone's spirit (or whatever) doesn't leave the body when astral traveling, but it would indicate the brain activity isn't much different when they're doing this than when they're dreaming.

    Even if the data did show astral traveling is nothing more than dreaming it still won't change the mind of many true believers.  I hate to sound cynical, but in my experience people who believe in this sort of thing bend reality around their beliefs rather than the other way around.

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