
Have you ever went to a buffet resturaunt and watched people?

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My husband and I are shockingly entertained by the plates full of food people devour in these places.




  1. Yes I have observed at Chinese buffets.  People go up several times with huge plates.  I go up 2-3 times but only with a little bit on my plate at  time.  I'm not judging them but it is interesting watching how everyone is different.

  2. I never stare at anyone because I'm too busy eating!  And don't think I'm fat, 125LBS, 5 7, 10% body fat.  Don't worry about other people eating, just enjoy your meal.

  3. yes....u r right...crazy isn't it???

  4. My mom was at a buffet once and the lady beside her asked if she would like her left overs. My mom responded by saying "no thank you, I will get my own if I would like some" with a look of shock and disgust on her face. Every time I think about this I laugh so so hard!

  5. I could say it's entertainment, but in all reality, it really is one of the most freightening sights to be seen.  The more food that a buffet has the worse the scene is.  If it's just a salad bar, not too bad, anything more than that, I can't find a word for it.  Is it normal to try to eat your weight in mashed potatoes and gravy

  6. I have seen people and it can be gross. The eat too much and waste food.I don't like to eat at buffets because I got the worst food poising from a home town buffet in phoenix AZ. I was down for like 2 weeks. I feel bad for a business cause of bulimic people who eat a lot also.

  7. lol lol lol lol lol.....arrrr Spuddie......that made me almost pee from laughing...gobble a boob, sounds like a good show!

  8. every time you go out for lunch or dinner, even if is just a Mcdonalds place,

    enjoy your time there! forget about people!, you ignore their background!!! they may be poor or unemployed, who knows? but if can't, just skip those places, (you may be mistaken for one more of them!!)

  9. Granny, lol, you are right :)  I used to work at a buffet style restaurant years ago, and people were quite amusing.  Just a few months ago, I went to the Chinese place, and was visiting with one of the ladies that own the place for a moment, and she was eating a bowl of rice with some veggies on top. . . and it made me start looking around at some of the people at the buffet, filling their plates up two or three times.  I was wondering what these people thought of us American "hogs". . .?

  10. Yeah once mum and i went out for lunch and watched a girl eating. she was so huge and she was wearing an extremely low cut top. mum and i placed bets on whether or not her b***s would pop out onto her plate and she'd gobble them up.

  11. yes its very funny to watch!  Just last night we saw a family with a bunch of kids who were loading up plates and making a huge mess on the buffet.  The food was actually very good, which is why we all go there.  But really people should watch their kids.  They are shorter than the sneeze guards, lol

  12. I live in Las Vegas and buffet eating is almost a way of life here. You can tell who the tourists are and who the locals are by how they eat.

    A local will visit the salad bar and select a few items, go back to their table and eat. They will return for entree items, eat them, and maybe go back for seconds of something good or try to get something they missed the first time - always small portions and either a lot of variety or focused on two or three particular things. Then a trip to the dessert bar. Never hurried, checking over the appearance of each dish and selecting those most appealing to them.

    Tourists, on the other hand, will usually only select one plate and pile it up with larger servings of just about anything, or maybe will grab two plates in one trip - salad on one and entree items on the other and possibly a dessert. They tend to take larger portions of each item and will tend to leave more left-overs. They often also get items which locals tend to stay away from, like pizza (which usually aren't very good in the buffets) or will ask for big slabs of prime rib. It's almost like they don't realize that they can keep going back for more - they have to get everything on the one trip.

    Also, on specialty nights, like seafood or steak night, people really pile it on. One steak night, we saw a guy that must have had 5 or 6 New York strip steaks with a small side of grilled onions and a roll - that's it, nothing else. On seafood nights, we have seen people pile up plates with crab legs - like 2 or 3 pounds of them, along with about 4 lemons and a soup bowl of melted butter. They want to make sure they get their money's worth for sure.

    Buffets are great places to people watch.

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