
Have you ever wet your pants in the rain?

by  |  earlier

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If you really have to go or just a regular urge, have any of you wet yourselves in the rain? If so did anyone notice? And what was it like?




  1. weird your need to get your blater checked out

  2. Yes i have and no one noticed.

  3. um wow no, i like to feel rain on my skin but i don't like it that much,

    if this is a real problem just go before you go outside

  4. During a football game I played when i was 12 it was raining, muddy, and very cold.  A few of us were so cold we thought peeing our pants might warm us up, it did for a while, then cold again.  To answer your questions, yes I have wet myself in the rain, nobody noticed but they knew, and it was interesting because it was warmer than the rain water and mud.

    Thinking back, it was kinda gross, but I can laugh about it

  5. that doesnt sound right..

    talk to a doctor..regular and psyche

    answer mine

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