
Have you ever wished for something and it never came true ?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever wished for something and it never came true ?




  1. Relentlessly

  2. no never

  3. as my grandpappy used to say:

    "You can wish in one hand and spit in the other ... and know which one will get full first?"

  4. I have wished and it never came true, as it turned out the Universe was working for me. It turned out for the best. Which started me thinking I was wanting the wrong things. Now I believe "thoughts become things", "choose the good ones" TUT

  5. Well if you mean that you asked the "universe" for something and you were not answered then you are wrong.   "No" is also an answer.

  6. still waiting for the lotto people to ring me.....but not surprised  :  )

  7. thought.. just have to think about it and u will get it someday... this is the power of thought and it is no joke... so be careful of ur thought... dun wana get stuff that invite problems.

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