
Have you ever wished that you could be eccentric and not care what other people think?

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And do you think that marriage makes you more concerned with "doing the right things in the right order" when you really wish you could "do your own thing"?




  1. I do my own thing and do not worry about what other people think. If I have something to say I do not bite my tongue. I am going to do as I wish, it is my life to live.  

  2. Not being concerned what others think is a sign of independent thought. This is a good thing.

  3. I actually don't care what other people think...I am not here to impress everyone.  I am here to be myself, get paid at work and have fun when I can.  If someone don't like it then don't look/

  4. Married 31 years...

    It really kind of depends on the situation for me.  As I age doing my own thing becomes more important to me.  Time slips by and I want to experience so much before I can't physically do it any more.  Sad but that is the truth.  We age and our bodies just can't hold up like they use to and we have to give up on dreams or goals that are finally beyond us.  I read somewhere that  aging is the divine's way of letting our hold on this life loosen so we can make the transition to the other side of the veil easier.  I don't know if that is true or not.  The path that I have chosen isn't done yet so I have so much more to learn before I can go.  How about you?

  5. I am. I don't care what other people think. I don't do the right things in the right order either. I am not a Stepford Wife, I make things work by following my own schedule.  

  6. Marriage is NOT a "do your own thing" arrangement.  You sound bored with conventional life.... you do  NOT have to be eccentric to find  solution . Dedicate more "self" to your spouse INSTEAD of saying "whatta bout me" .

  7. I am eccentric and, to a large extent, don't care much about what others think. I'd be a liar if i said I never care about what others think but overall I have a thick hide and don't fret much about that.

    I liked bands that were wierd--Kinks and others--which put me out of the mainstream of my high school friends but I needed to follow my own drummer and did what I wished.

    U pay a price though. You may not be understood or with the high school elite but I never cared.

    I saw the humor of Alice Cooper and realized many of my peers at that time did not.

  8. I am eccentric and don't care what other people think about me, only my family, but I know that they will love me no matter what I do.  People are very accepting is what I have found in life.  Though they probably curse me out behind my back, but then again I don't care, I am being honest to myself.

  9. I could careless what other people think.

    The Western view of marriage is a religious/social construct.

  10. I find it interesting how many people here claim that they do whatever they like and don't care what people think. Not meaning to accuse anyone but I think they are mostly full of it. In fact, their very answers are attempts to appear as something they aren't out of a desire to influence what viewers here think.

    The truth is that only a fool or someone who depended on attracting attention (like an artist for example) can act like they don't care what others think. Other people are the source of everything that we want in life, s*x, financial opportunities, social enjoyment, help in times of need, etc. To do whatever we liked and ignore what other people thought of us would be foolhardy.

    We can still do our own thing without offending others. We just have to seek out like minded individuals and keep such things private. For example, the sweet old ladies next door don't need to know what a naughty girl I am, people don't need to know that I don't share their political views and so on. You can do this without being deceptive. If you don't argue with people they will tend to assume you think like them. I try to blend in with whatever group I'm with and this leaves me free to do what I like by keeping each part of my life in it's own little bubble.

    I'm not married, but of course making a partnership like that would attach you to the common ground you share with that person. Your boundries would have to be changed to only include those things that both of you agree are Ok. That's why I've stayed single, however those days are numbered as I'd like to have a family some day.

    Peace & Joy

  11. No because I am!

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