
Have you ever wished you could have a monkey as a pet?

by  |  earlier

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I sure did when I was a kid... and still kinda do!




  1. YES- and I have researched it but the truth is- they make horrible pets. They bite and are really aggressive.... As much as I hate to say it these animals really do need to be left in the wild..

  2. Ha ha! only if its trained!!!!! =] ♥

  3. You sick ..........and by the way NO

  4. I useta want one when I was younger. I wouldn't mind having one now but I'm not like I useta be about it. Now I just want to own a white tiger some day. ^_^

  5. NO!

  6. yes yes yessssssssssssssss I think Micheal Jackson is so lucky where can I buy 1 I have a parrot though,that helps alot.


  8. absoulutly!!!

    ive always wanted one!

    andi continue to want one

  9. No, I have always personally disliked most monkeys.  They smell very poorly, they eat very disgusting things, and they creep me out.  I especially hate gorillas.

  10. NOPE got me my kitty cat and he's all i need! don't miss my ex wife or nothing, he's sitting in my lap purring contently as i type this! good luck with getting that monkey though, sounds like you will always want one, so chase the dream.

  11. I do have a monkey for a pet, it's my sister.

  12. yeah in 4th/5th grade when monkeys were really popular!

  13. YES but they p**p alot but that could be agood thing because then i would have it throw it's p**p at all the poeple i hate lol

  14. Not really, I don't think I could take care of one.:(

  15. Absolutely Not.  I would NEVER own a monkey as a pet.  They are wild animals and deserve to be in the wild.  They are very aggressive and extremely untame.  Yes they are cute, but I would never own one as a pet.

  16. YES !....


  17. Can I just tell you a few things about having a monkey? You do not want a monkey. It's not just laughing and dancing with toothbrushes. They make faces that are unacceptable in society, and they p**p in their own hand and throw it around in some sick celebration of monkey p**p. Just thought you should know--i dont mean to kill your dream or anything.

  18. I would love a cute little monkey to play with and dress up!

    I saw on Animal Planet once, a girl had a pet monkey, and they have to wear diapers!

    ha! How cute. :)

  19. I think quite a few people go through the phase where they think a monkey will be a good idea for a pet. The smart one's tend to do their research and realize that it is not only dangerous, but also  sad and a bit cruel.

    I was convinced I wanted a monkey until I read these websites. ( Some of the personal stories are heart wrenching)

    Primetime actually did a show on monkey as pets, which can be found on youtube

  20. Yes.  Until recently when I looked it up and found out how they act. They cannot be domesticated and are just wild.

    They tend to be viscous, will tear up your house and tear up you.  Are extremely high maintance and bizarre.

    After I read that, I don't want one anymore because the only way to be around them much would be if you live in the jungle.  And they are not so cute that I want to move to the jungle.  Have a nice day! :)

  21. Yeah-- Monkies were always my favorite animal as a kid. Now I have 2 dogs. lol

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