
Have you ever witnessed death before and after it occurred?

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Have you ever witnessed death before and after it occurred?




  1. death before it occurred is life.  Death after it occurred is  dead.  The "occurred" part is the death.

    But to answer your question, anyone with a fly swatter has.

  2. I witnessed my own beforehand and have no recollection of the after.

  3. held it's hand and looked it right in the f*****n eye as it occurred. does that count?

  4. My first wife died of cancer, I was there until the last holding her hand. I think the only experience that would be worse would be losing one of my kids.

  5. yes i have,it was my mom-inlaws mom.we were (me and sis - inlaw)at hospital.she was dying right before our eyes,she didnt want life support.she choked on her fluids,it was sad.she was crying for her mom,who of course was dead.after she died,it was silence in the room.then we cried.she was at peace,waiting the resserection back to a paradise earth.psalms 37;29 it says the righteous themselves will possess the earth and they will reside 4ever upon it.i know she is asleep in death untill this show you why i say she is asleep is at eccleasiastees 9;5 it says for the living are concious that they will die,but as for the dead they know nothing at all,verse 10 says"all that your hand finds to do ,do with your very power,for there is no work or devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in sheol(h**l or grave)the place wich you are going."she is reasting awaiting the resserection john 5:28,29.john 11;25 i dont know why you asked this buti hope you have more understanding in something!


  6. yes... why?

  7. Yes.

    EDIT; I take it you want examples,

    When I was 17 I was first on the scene of an auto accident, the guy died while I was talking to him waiting on the ambulance.

    When I was 20 I watched as my fiance got hit by a car, the look on her face at the moment of impact is forever etched in my mind. The guy never even stopped.

    When I was 21 I saw a friend overdose on heroin, he was dead for hours while we thought he was sleeping. That was the last time I did heroin.

    When I was 22 a friend of mine was stabbed to death because someone thought he was a narc, he died in my car on the way to the emergency room.

    When I was 34 I watched a co-worker get buried alive when a ditch collapsed on him. I was in the ditch with him about a minute before it happened.

    When I was 40 I saw another co-worker electrocuted because some dumb-*** flipped a breaker even though it was locked out with a warning tag.

    When I was 48 I saw an iron worker fall 30 feet headfirst onto a concrete slab. I watched his head burst open like a melon and his brain splatter on my boots.

    I've seen too much of death.

  8. h**l no and defintely not

  9. Please clarify. What do you mean by witnessing death "before it occured"? If you are speaking of precognition of a death event then my answer is yes.

  10. I saw far too many in Nam.

  11. of course not. yes answers are delusional pathological liars.

  12. Yes, I was with my mom in the ER as she died after a long illness.  Why?

  13. yes and it was awesome

  14. I've seen people when they were alive and kicking and then in their coffins at the funeral home.  Lemme tell you, they weren't a pretty sight with all that make up and c**p.  They look like stiff clowns.  I'm gonna make sure they never do that to me when I kick the bucket.  The only other thing I can think of that is less dignified than that is having preachers hovering over a half-dead body like vultures waiting for it to turn into carrion

  15. yeeees.........

    why do you ask?

  16. Yes... with both of my parents.  They were both believers.  

    There was no "woosh" of a soul leaving their body, there was nothing spectacular.  They just stopped breathing.  My sister and I dressed our mother's body for her funeral.  I saw nothing to indicate any soul or afterlife.

    We did, however, enjoy the chance to gently tuck them in, after all they had done for us in our lives.

  17. ya i have seen it on my first year as an officer a 16 year old girl overdosed on painkillers and died while trying to get her out of the house.  

  18. Too painful to answer.

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