
Have you ever witnessed poltergeist activity?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No. Nobody has, despite the c**p you'll hear to the contrary. Poltergeists don't exist. People imagine all sorts of things, especially when they are scared and very prone to suggestion, or partially asleep or on some kind of medications.

  2. Yes, I was at a friend's house in college and she always complained about little noises and strange occurrences (objects not being where they were previously). One evening a bunch of us were playing cards and we heard a loud crash in the bedroom. We rushed in to find all of her closet drawers scattered against the far wall as if they'd be blown out of a gun. Never went back there again.

  3. no

  4. I thought I did, but considering the fact I was 36 hours without a wink of shuteye, I dunno how reliable that is.

  5. I definitely have I am just walking down my hallway and I heard a bell or a like a short high pitched squeal and I think the cat has got another mouse or something and as soon as I get to the Kitchen I saw a shadowy figure standing against the back wall.It could have been some thing else though I could never quite be sure because when I turned on the light it was gone then I turned the light off to see if I could see it again and I couldn't all that I know is I got a quick drink and just acted like nothing happened    if there was a spirit in my kitchen he/she was quite a flake to just kinda up and leave and not like bang drawers open and shut and throw eggs or do you know the typical ghostly stuff.

  6. Me and my whole family have witnessed plenty of poltergeist activity at my mom's house. one weekend when my older brother was taking care of me and my sisters, he started hearing voices and got so scared he woke up his wife and me and my sisters and made us spend the rest of the night at a hotel.

  7. nope, not even stoned out of my gourd

  8. Never have myself.Here's some tales from people who thought they did.

  9. Yes, at the David Whitney Jr. Mansion in Detroit, MI

    I saw a crystal lamp fall off a mantle all on its own.

  10. Absolutly! We moved into a haunted house and lived there for 7yrs. The vacuume would turn itself on . The dishwasher lid would fly open (top loading) and bounce and vibrate accross the floor when it was'nt even running. The posters I had in my room would be torn down at night. The corners would be pulled or and the poster would fall. The next day I would put them back up then they would be torn down the middle, This was while I was awake. My dog would cry and get under the covers. And much much more.

  11. yes i have and it was about three months ago, my books i had on the table beside my bed, was all over the table and i was the only one home at the time and then i went to the bathroom and came back all my books was in the book case neat  and nice.

    you tell me what happen.

  12. Only once. The wife and I were staying in a hotel. We were seated at the table at the far end of the room from the door.

    As we sat there, the light switch by the door actually turned on completely by itself. We even heard the "click" sound when it happened. While it was startling, we didn't freak out, and still spent the night in the room. Nothing else happened, at least while we were awake.

  13. I have witnessed true poltergeist activity only twice - I really think it's quite rare!  The first time was years ago, I was with friends who had an apartment in a really old Georgian house in Dublin.  We were sitting around a table having dinner and they were saying they thought the place was haunted.  At that moment, the butter container lid lifted about 4 inches off the table in front of us, floated to the left and gently dropped back down.  You never saw 3 people leave a room so quick! It was amazing. The second time was in my home about 5 years ago, I was downstairs with a friend and there was an almightly crash, like a chair being thrown in the room above us. When we ran up, nothing had been disturbed....

  14. NO.

  15. "obviously" !   or we would'nt have bothered shacking up with them, would we?

  16. nope, i've once went all over New Orleans looking for ghosts , and i couldn't find any.

  17. Yes, this is really strange, and funny too. We had a magic table when we where about 12 or 13 years old. We would be messing around with the Ouija board on it, and realised the table would start to move by it's self. The thing would get up on two legs, I swear, and start bouncing around to our music. Like it was dancing with us. It's only when it scooted across the floor with one of our friends on-top of it , did we really get scared. We never played with it again! But we still have it!

  18. My alarm clock (red led) floats up to the ceiling as soon as I get into bed after turning out the lights.

    I get up keeping my eyes right on it at the ceiling and walk over and turn on the light and it is instantly back on the dresser.

    It happens every time.

    Also 7 up can on table slides the full length and stops

  19. Well I don't know if it was a poltergeist, but yes I have experienced some things that are scary.  I won't mention to tell them since you keep giving everyone a thumbs down.  Sorry about your luck. My stories were pretty good and true.

  20. Never.

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