
Have you ever woke up crying?

by  |  earlier

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hi i'm 18

and sometimes i wake up crying because my life is so stressful and i feel like i can't handle it and i'd want to die.

My mom tells me i'm a mistake and that i was "made of sh*t"

and to make it worse my family hates g*y people so if i ever told anyone i'd probably be beaten to death or kicked out

then where am i supposed to go?

i don't think i'm mature enough to be on my own yet




  1. *Hi5*! Welcome to the "born a mistake" club!

    I was born a mistake too and even told I was also born hideous (which isn't really a good thing) according to parents and other relatives.

    They wanted and planned for my older sister but I just happened to be conceived one fateful night when someone forgot to take the pill.

    It's depressing I know but try and live your own life since it's your life and not theirs. You're not "made of sh*t" and I bet you're quite good and lovable. Try and stay strong to get through this stage in your life, a lot of people (me included) have been through those dark times and reached the light at the end of the tunnel, you will too soon.

    Also, try and get a job and move out whenever you feel you can and ready. You'll be more at peace by doing so.

    Stay strong and hope this helps.

  2. You're 18. You are an adult. Move out if you can.

    If you are going to college and you parents are paying it might not be such a good idea to come out before college is over though.

  3. i do too. if ive had a dream where ive cried ive actually woken up with tears running down my face

    hope everything goes well for you buddy, hang in there


  4. helloo lovee.

    Im Sorry to hear that. Your mother must be stupid bc you are a very sweet guy. You are not made of sh*t. Dont tell your family about you being g*y. Just know that it is ok to be g*y. If you need to talk-send me an email


  5. Wow that just happened to me a while ago for the same reason. Pretty much freaked out about my family rejecting me but then again it is your family and they will always be there.

    You never know man. Your family might actually hate g*y people but if they really care about you then they would not care if your g*y or straight. Live with one of your friends (Who dose not party that much) to start of being independent.  

  6. Get away from them people!!  Family or not, THEY HAVE ISSUES!!  :@)

  7. I'm sorry that your family would say search hurtful things to you. I was always loved by my mom but my dad always wished I was a girl. I guess that might be how/why I turned g*y. Maybe subconsciously I was trying to satisfy him. Nonetheless, you are a special person and deserve to be loved so don't listen to people that would tell you otherwise. As for living on your own. If you have been strong enough to withstand the years of negative thoughts and comments about being g*y you can surely muster the strength to live on your own.  

  8. Yes....definitely. I have also realised the source of my stress. Helps a lot. It will pass..don't worry...Ignore those comments/insults that were made by your mother...

  9. email me Im having the same problems!!!

    EDIT: and dont listen to the person above me, she doesnt know what it feels like to be rejected from your family. It hurts no matter how old you are.

  10. twice actually, it sucks.

    im sorry to hear that, you should tell them and see how they react. the people who truly care about you will always stand by your side. if they react negatively then leave, your 18 so you can do whatever you want! you could go to a shelter or something.

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