Yes, that happened to me once. I went to bed and as I was going to sleep, I found a flying ant in my hair. Kind of got me nervous before I went to sleep. Well, I turned out the light and went to sleep. An hour or so later I awoke and in refex I flipped this thing from my throat. I felt a zillion writhing legs and I knew it was a centipede. I freaked! And I am not bad around bugs and stuff either. I turned on the light and I looked for the monster. I looked and looked and couldn't find it. Eventually I gave up thinking maybe it was just a horrible dream (after all, I had gone to bed a little "bugged out"). Another half hour or so of sleep and I awoke to it on my stomach! I freaked all over again and looked around for another 20 minutes before heading for the lamp to turn it off. That was when I found it. Right in a fold in the top center of my pillow! Like it was waiting for me! It was 6 inches long! I wonder how bad it would have been if it had bit me in the neck. Any thoughts on that? Would I have been in danger? Thank you! And pleasant dreams....