
Have you ever woken up to the noise of a shot gun?

by Guest63033  |  earlier

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it wasn't a dream,,you just heard the noise and woke up, but no one in the house heard it but you?




  1. Yes I live close to a bad area.

  2. Yes, it happens to me every three days. I have a clown hiding under my bed as well. He climbs up and touches me inappropriate, like after I fall asleep. Oh...I love clowns and shotguns.

  3. Na, I'm used to it. Hubby shot a coyote yesterday. The kids slept right through it.

  4. Ghost....Imagination

  5. Yes, some people were having a party and this drunk guy decided to shoot a gun. Cops came and all the neighbors we out in force. It was 1:00 a.m.. I got that pins and needles feeling all though out my body when I heard it and had to think for a minute if that is what I really heard. It was very disconcerting.

  6. I live near a Marine base.

    I've woken up to worse.

  7. no but once i woke up to the sound of the fire alarm which was really loud but no one else heard was odd

  8. It was that or a car backfiring.

    Rolled over and went back to sleep.

  9. Yes, but it was just your mom blowing up.

  10. sometimes i hear sounds that soudn liek a gun but im not so sure they are, just a loud bang. ive heard gunfire before when i was six when the man net door was murdered ♥ i dednt live in a veri gud neighborhood!!

  11. No but i did hear a breaker fuse blow once. Scary!

  12. No sorry

  13. Yeah, in the middle of the night, many times.  

  14. Shotguns, pistols, semi-automatic firearms, my neighbor likes to shoot of this weapons during the weekends usually when they have parties and they get drunk.

  15. dont be just farted

  16. Yes, I hear lots of noises and people think I'm crazy for it...

    I always hear someone jumping the fence into my backyard, and I can't exactly not hear it since my window is right next to it...

    I've heard one before, but was told I'm crazy...

    once I dreamt I was shot in the hip, and the next morning in the shower I found a bruise there....I don't remember ever hitting myself there..

  17. I moved from the US about 4 years ago to the Dominican Republic and I've heard my share of gun shots since then...  

  18. I once awoke to the sound of a gunshot at 4 a.m..  I lived on the ground floor of an apartment building in a densely populated city at the time.  Thinking it was either a dream or an automotive backfire, I went back to sleep.  Leaving for work the next morning through a side exit to the building that was on a corridor that shared a wall with my apartment, I found the exit roped off with police tape.  Someone had been murdered in their car, about thirty feet from my bedroom window.  I moved out two weeks later.

  19. If a tree falls in the forest with no one around, does it make a sound?

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