
Have you ever won a few quid on the Gee Gs and did you buy anything with your winnings?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased a tree for the garden.




  1. got a hangover (a Few)but i can say i haven't been in a bookies for over 20 years

  2. The biggest win I've had was a quadrella in Melbourne and I purchased a new car. Well a new second hand one!

    The spring carnival is fast approaching this year and it can be a great opportunity to make a few bucks if you are prepared to be patient and selective.

    Happy punting!

  3. The last money I won on the horses was when RAG TRADE won the Grand National, it was owned by Mr Teasy Weasy Raymond, a well known hairdresser. I bought a record with my winnings (a 45) it was 1976, I was 18.

  4. I won £30 once > cant remember what I bought though

  5. I don't often bet on horses but I love race meetings.  Last time I went to one I won a tidy enough sum at an evening meeting at Windsor, and spent it on a fantastic Indian meal afterwards with the various people I went with.

    It seemed to me that I'd gone along with the expectation of having less money at the end of the evening than at the beginning, so I wasn't really any the poorer - and people still talk about the meal to this day!

  6. I don't for the most part as my philosophy has always been " If you can't afford to lose, don't bet". In the 80's I did win a few pounds in a few races on Desert Orchid. One time I bet £50 to get £35 back, a third of my wages back then. I wouldn't dare do that now.

    Oh yes, my girlfriend at the time put some money on him in the same race and we spent a bit of our combined winnings on a meal and a good night out.

  7. I have never gambled my cool friend.

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