
Have you ever won something?

by Guest66209  |  earlier

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I'm not talking achieving an award or something. I see all these magazines giving you the chance to win a free car or all expenses paid holiday and yet I don't know anyone who has a won a big prize like this.

Have you ever won something big after entering a competition you seen in a magazine or on the internet?




  1. I won $500.00 from Dr. Pepper

  2. I have won - on my local radio station.... A meal for four, Cd's, £180, An all inclusive night at a brand new casino and I'm just about to go to the 5 star hotel prize i won recently..... Not all at the same time but over the past 2 years....

    I know they're not brilliant prizes but it has shown me that the average Joe CAN win xx

  3. I wish

  4. I won a gold fish at the festival and my cat ate him

  5. My friend won $6000 from filling out one of those things in Express a few years back. Most of those things all they want to do is get your information so they can compile a list of names, numbers, and email addresses then sell those list to telemarketers or whoever.

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