
Have you ever wondered why we don't have world peace?

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this is why we don't have world peace. I asked these questions on yahoo answers. in the religion and philosophy sections.

some are the types of answers people need to answer if world peace would be possible. most are not.

What do we need to give up for world peace?;_ylt=AncRK2zA_qh1BJIlM5x7K5nBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812110647AAWA9sU;_ylt=Ah4ynR1VlNCMiCsaDSbW2ebBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812110112AA40d3k

What would you give up for peace?;_ylt=AopH8RU0xdlMXSvFDkfxWxnBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080811232756AA1c22j;_ylt=Al7tWbrjYw2P_RqmelrCIirBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080811231716AAPcIjF

What must they give up for peace?;_ylt=ApyAA9Gm5aFOGKv7BSVATybAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812134023AAsJVSs

What do you need to give up for world peace?;_ylt=AkH3GOiugytjIbN.1c6npwrAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812135639AA7B7oG;_ylt=AgoS2B4iWID7ItS9992b5qHAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812135926AASNT5I

What wouldn't you give up for peace?;_ylt=Agu31ioDN1i8PRFCG9_IdHXBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080811172307AAAAnYk;_ylt=Au7mbTqr6KsPR3yLKM3N_JTBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080811171759AAwMJzO

Why does god want you to follow certain rules and regulations he has devised?;_ylt=AtJRJj55FmWyfuybf2f65KfBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080812160138AA2Cyb3

some just don't care, some just don't believe it can be possible, and some are not willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary. some require others to make concessions they would not be prepared to make. some don't think they would need to give up any possessions or give up much at all. whereas they can afford so much because others have so little. coffee would cost you alot more if the people cultivating were payed more than a dollar a day.

when people talk about thwy we don't have world peace, they usually tend to make it seem like it is always somebody else responsible for us not having it. but truly it is us, every single one of us. we would all need to sacrifice for it. the question is, how much do you want it? apparently too many people don't want it enough.




  1. The world is not at war because of every day people like me and you

    It's because those who are in power want more. They're greedy and they're hungry, and they will stop at nothing.

    It's not like you're helping AT ALL,

    blaming other people for your mental issues and sitting on the computer trying to figure out why other people don't see things from your point of view.

    All of your questions are completely irrevillent to acheiving world "peace"

    Nobody needs to give up anything except their mind, to the idea that peace can happen at all. Material possesions have nothing to do with it.

  2. No! I know why. Don't you?

  3. You can never have world peace as long as the religions can't agree on God, and they have no interest in doing so.  

  4. Sometimes I wonder why we can't have world peace.

    Then I look at my brother. I can't get along with someone with whom I share genes. Someone with whom I grew up - raised by the same parents, in the same house. Taught the same ideals and ideas.

    So, how can I expect not to argue with people raised in another family, culture, or country?!

    I have argued with my brother over the color of the sky, food, manners, music, socks, and goodness knows what else!

    Then I start to wonder, who was the idiot who coined the phrase 'world peace' since such a total peace has never once occurred in the history of the world?

  5. It will be possible when we can look into any other person's eyes and see the reflection of ourselves.  This is not happening now because we need to experience this and feel this reality.  The reason is beautiful.  But the process is painful.  There are many layers of reality and this one is somewhat coarse.  We have come so far in this reality and we have learned and experienced so much.  We have evloved and are getting heavy with knowledge.  This pain is not for nothing.    

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