
Have you ever worked with somebody that drove you absolutley nuts???

by Guest33298  |  earlier

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like you just dreaded working with them, and you tried multiple avenues to avoid them, still wouldn't work.




  1. yes, someone who bullied me, it was soul destroying but i got over it.

  2. yes and they take credit for what you've done !!!

  3. Na!

  4. Yes, my supervisor.  She tells us to do something and we comply.  Then the boss gets upset with us because what we were told not to do isn't done.  Happens all of the time.  We have lost customers because of her because she didn't respond to them in a timely manner or just ignored them.  I deal with it be not talking to her unless it is work related.  If it is something that can wait I'll tell the other shift supervisor.  I don't have to deal with her much longer since she is leaving for the other shift as soon as the new supervisor is done with her training.

  5. h**l yeah.  I worked with this Glaswegian woman (i can't stand that accent at the best of times).  I had to sit opposite her all day long and listen to stories of her amazingly boring life, her 'victim' stories and her imaginary s*x life with the lodger.  AAAArrrrghhhhH!  So i tried wearing and mp3 and headphones, but she would just wave at me to get attention.  I quit in the end.  I couldn't take it any longer!

  6. I think everyone has.   I have and yes I was a nervous wreck before I got to work and then stressed out after work.  Every day was awful and there was just no avoiding the problem, so I quit.  If you don't have that option I feel bad for you, seriously, I do.

  7. I have that problem now. I only have to really work with her once a week, but that is more than enough for me to want to hurt her. I just ignore her usually, and if she tries to say something that is mean or degrading (which she seems to think is funny) I choke a laugh and go back to work.

  8. Yes, and I was always angry at that person.But I had to choose to be better then they were because it drove me crazy and it effected me each day I would try to avoid them and they would still do things to purposely make me angry if it continues talk to your manager of boss about the problem that is going on LOL.

  9. Yeah..she ended up disliking me more.  We were sonic carhops and I thought she was a total s***k.  Couldn't stand her.  She talked like a valley girl (like ya know)..Anyways, she got fired and I laughed at her.  She came up to me at school and made a point to tell me that she didn't like me.  LoL  I just looked at her and then ate my pizza.  A few seconds later a person came up and wanted to take my pic for yearbook so I posed with a big smile. She finally just walked away.  It was pretty funny.  :) Felt good

  10. Yes, and the B****h ended up getting me fired, said I was the troublemaker. Guess what? The old employer is finding out right now that I wasn't the troublemaker, she was. And she is causing so much chaos for the other employees and has at least 2 employees ready to walk out on the job. I went to the boss and told him on 2 different occasions that she was very hard to work with and he told me that I was not the only worker that had complained about her. I would suggest you talk to the boss. Don't avoid them, you can't run from the problem. You need to address it head on.  

  11. yeah lmfao when they come up to you say lalalalala or pretend you deaf lol no no no

    just tell them that your not in such a greatt mood or tell them how you feel

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