
Have you ever worn socks with sandals?

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Have you ever worn socks with sandals?




  1. nope. never have and never will

  2. No and anyone who does should be stoned to death.


  3. yes.When i was 8.  

  4. Not since the age of 5 x

  5. haha. no, it is a poor fashion choice. not that i'm all that concerned with fashion. like wearing tall white socks, khaki shorts, and black dress shoes.

    folks will probably giggle if you wear socks and sandals, but you should do what makes you happy!

  6. no.

  7. NO!

  8. Yeah, and I paid the price for it.

  9. Clearly you've been having nightmares again. Seek help.

  10. No that is so ugly and annoying...sometimes I wear my shoes without socks.

  11. I admit it I have :P

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