
Have you ever write to your favouirite soap opera star did your ever get a reply?

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soap opera star letters




  1. My sister wrote a letter to Marcy Rylan (Lizzie, GL) she got one back and she wrote to someone else, but they didn't respond. I forgot who that one was!

  2. I have writtent to my Marie Wilson (Meg ATWT), Van Hansis (Luke ATWT), Terri Columbino (Katie ATWT), Julie Pinson (Janet ATWT), and Marcy Rylan (Lizzie GL).

    So far, these people have not responded. I e-mailed them all less than a month ago; I think they have certain days of the month when they respond. But I may have something in the mail :)

    I DID write to AND get an e-mail AND autograph from Noelle Beck when I wrote her. She is the sweetest lady :)

  3. As much as it tickles me to say this, I wrote the creator of "All My Children" when I was 16.  I wasn't pleased with the plot and let her know it.  She wrote me back, a  form letter I'm sure, but her signature was legit.  As far as the actual stars, I'm sure they have letter responders too, and probably have a facsimile signature, or a very good mimic of it.  

  4. When I was a kid I wrote to Jack Wagner, Frisco on GH and he did send me an autographed picture and letter! I was the happiest kid on Earth! For years after that too he sent me letters every year and I had only sent him the one!

  5. Yes and yes.

    It was quite a while ago and it made me overjoyed to get a signed picture in the return post.

  6. Yes, when I was 16 I wrote to Don Diamont, who plays Brad from The Young and the Restless. He wrote back within 2 months after I sent the letter, along with an autographed picture of himself!

  7. Yes,  when Eileen Davidson was playing Ashley on Young & the restless she was my Mom's favorite Soap Star.

    So, without her known it, I wrote to Ms Davidson, and she sent to most beautiful handwritten note on violet stationary with an autographed pictograph to my Mom,,,, what a great surprise it turned out to be !

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