
Have you ever written to your MP to ask for their support for something?

by  |  earlier

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Did you get a response, good, bad or indifferent.

I'm thinking of writing to mine, but not sure whether it will be worthwhile even though there is a political connection.




  1. No but my wife has and she had a good response in her particular case

  2. Yes, I have. But since his views did not coincide with mine, the answer I received was unhelpful.

    Bear in mind that you do not have to write to your own MP. You can contact any of them, if you wish.If you find one who agrees with you, or who offers to help, then you might well get somewhere.

    Good luck !

  3. Yes, and it was a waste of time.

  4. Never written but have rang him up in the house of commons and got a very good response,suggest you try this,you may only get to speak to their Secretary but the message does get passed on,I got  a hand written letter in answer to my question.

  5. Most MP's respond fairly promptly.

    Sometimes the initial response is just an acknowledgement

    You can also visit the weekly surgery

  6. yeah i had an email back from "dave" david  cameron. lt was about a petition and the answer probably just from his office was not just standard it spoke about issues in the petiion and a how he was already interested in the issues raisted and how he was involved in another way.  

    Its better to get in touch and try than do nothing i guess

  7. Yes and to be honest it seems a waste of time.

    You get a bland answer and it takes ages.

    Talk about no spine or teeth!

    You are better off doing something "WOW!" and media supported.

  8. WAT EVER UR FRIENDS GAVE YOU answer is absolutely  true WASTE OF TIME. i mean they have their own work got it !!!!!!!!!!!1tly

  9. Yep, I wrote to Tam Dalziel who was my MP at the time. It was something to do with the state of repair of my local primary school.

    One Sunday morning a few days later, he phoned me and explained the wider situation, said he was aware of the situation I had complained about but said there were even worse cases in the area (he named examples). He explained what he was dong to try and resolve the situation, and why he didn't feel he would have much effect.

    In short, yes it was worth writing, even though it didn't get quite the result I'd hoped for, It also showed me that although politicians are a much-maligned group, some of them at least put a HUGE effort into ddoing the best they can. Good ol' Tam Dalziel (whom I'd never voted for) was one of them.

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