
Have you every bought..?

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a drugged or dopped out horse.

what happened??

and how can u tell?




  1. i've never bought one but i can tell when the horse is drugged. the horse will have it head down low in a stall. the horse will not pay much attention to you when you walk. when you end up buying the horse usually you'll get it home and you will wake up the next day and the horse will be crazy. not acting like the horse was the day before. thats when you know the horse was drugged and you cant do anything about it but keep the horse and try and train  it OR sell it to some one else

  2. a few....from a guy my uncle really trusted....c**p horses..we bought them as broodies and three out of 6 were infertile

  3. no i haven't

  4. no but i've heard of a girl that bought a horse, she had seen and riden it many times at the old owners, but it was drugged when she got it home, and when she went to ride it, it put back its ear and bucked violenty, it ended up having cronic back problems

  5. A good idea when purchasing a horse is to have it "vet checked".  That way you won't get stung.

  6. I personally haven't but i had a friend who bought a mare from a lady that was on drugs. she went to look at it and she said it was the calmest horse ever and for western pleasure calm is good so she bought it then the next day its was acting really really violent so they had the vet come to check it out and they found out that the lady had druged it to be calmer and more docile. they pressed charges against the womenbecause she refused to pay them back for the horse. but in the end they won and the women almost went to jail for 6 months.

  7. I havent but my best friend did when she saw it she should of known straight away it was a young throughbred and very very quiet head down and then when she got it home it was physco unfortunalty if you have brought it through a private sale you only have 2 days warranty by law but however if it is very dangerous and you tried it when it was really quiet speak to the trading standards agency they should be able to help they helped us however we did have to go to court to get the money back, first of all I would speak to the past owners and voice your concerns if that does not work speak to a vet see if they can help in any way.

  8. No, my friend has though. He was good for a few weeks, then he went mad and recked her confidence.

    You can tell by a blood test done by a vet

  9. there are some horses like that exspecially race horses, and some are so addicted to the drugs that they actually go on withdrawls and start going craze like real people do. Their behavior is the same as a person when they are high

  10. I've heard stories about people buying what they thought was a calm, happy horse until they got it home where it turned agressive and dangerous.

    Have the horse vet checked before you buy it, and be wary if the owners volunteer too much information, or claim the horse is perfect, or do something strange like demand to know exactly when you'll stop buy to see a horse.  There's no need to be paranoid, just be aware.

    Luck and blessings!

  11. I just typed up all the stores and Yahoo decided it was a great time to ask me for my password....LOSING everything!


    Let's do this again:

    Friends purchased at an auction:

    horse was calm, head set low and he just seemed bored.  Not eating.  The were able to touch him everywhere and they even opened his mouth a little.  He wasn't bothered.  They rode him...he was fine.

    Got him home (it was at night) and the next morning they call me...he's lame.  I look...Laminitis.  They call the farrier...Laminitis. Pasture buddy only.

    local horse dealer issues:

    Person given appt. time for 1 pm.  They show at 1pm.

    Horse is sweaty, head low, tacked up, ears drooped just a little.  Dealer says his kids were just trail riding him for an hour and just got back, he apologized.

    They get on, ride in the arena, horse is fine.  Just easy going and plods along.  Good for an inexperienced trail rider the dealer states.

    Get home, 4 hours later the horse wakes up.   Alert and happy.  Next day they tack him up and climb up.

    He rears the second any pressure is put on the bit and bucks if he feels leg.

    Taken back to the dealer.

    Same horse, new buyer.

    She gets there too and he's tacked up. He rides fine.

    At home out on a trail he rears and bucks and she ends up in the hospital. She had lots of buckin'fun!  Horse goes back to dealer and re-sold again.

    This horse dealer is banned from one auction house but the rest of the area think he is the best horseman in town!

    I'd like to see him permanently banned but the towns rally around this loser.

    signs that I have seen:  droopy ears, lifeless eyes (dull), 4 legged stretch stance for balance, dropped p***s, head hanging or low set, no response to loud noises (no spooky)

    SUGGEST:  show up 45 minutes before appointment but do not warn them.  you want to see the seller get the horse, tack it up and see him lunge him a little (not to death!)..then have the seller be the first to ride through all gaits, whoa, back, sidepass, etc...

    Ask if you can take horse to your vet or have your vet come check it out.  (if he says no...that is a warning)

    Farrier, see if your farrier will come out there with you.  Farriers know alot more than given credit for :)

  12. No, I haven't.

    If I were buying a horse from a total stranger, I would have a vet check.  That goes a long ways towards preventing this sort of thing.

  13. well I cant say never, because I dont know for sure but there are ways to protect yourself, I always have a pre-purchase exam done, I know there are some drugs that dont show up in a blood test, but if its a horse over 10k I have a quarantine period that I can retest before the final purchase is complete. and with strangles, no horse comes into my barn without being quarantined for 2 to 4 weeks, just my rule.

  14. my friend did and it ended up being completely lame it was on steroids from the owners.

    Get a vet check for your horse

    My friend payed $3000 for the horse.

  15. well, once when i was looking to buy another horse i went down to florida.  There was this guy whom i knew for a few years and he sold me this close to olympic horse and for what i paid i never expected i was going to have any problems...well stupid me; i didn't have a drug test.  I owned the horse for about 2 weeks and we were jumping a course in the indoor arena and out of no where, he just starts bucking and bulting...he threw me into the side of the building and fractured 2 of my ribs....sooo yeah it turnas out the horse was heavily drugged and i learned my lesson the hard way. :x

  16. A friend of mine did. they put him on grass for a year then basically rebroke him. you could get a blood test.

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