
Have you every had dreams or visions about the end of the world & UFO spacecrafts appearing in the sky ?

by Guest33244  |  earlier

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  1. I had a dream about the end of the world and I will tell you it If you remember it was only a dream and dreams are influenced by what we've seen or thought. I was in a city with my family and I got lost, everyone was relieved in a high up hotel building when a shockwave hit us. I knew what was going to happen and got up to say something then a fire ball hit and I was hold on to the edge of the building whose glass was blown out and fell when the building collapsed I could see some of my family falling and feel my skin burning before I woke up I'm really dying. I woke up before I hit the ground either because I was already dead in my dream or I had no Idea how to dream what being splattered on the ground was like? Vivid and terrifying.

  2. yes, a few times lately.  they are really scary too.

  3. i use to have dreams about aliens all the time when i was little and i still have dreams about the end of the world still haven't figured out what it means

  4. No, but I have a friend who claims she has lived before the world was created. I wonder if deja voo has anything to do with life before the world, because I have deja voo all the time.

  5. nope

  6. I have. I witnessed the return of Christ. The gates of heaven were opened. It was awesome and frightening.

  7. i have had a dream about the end of the world but not involving UFOs

  8. No

  9. No, but I did see the movie.

  10. yea i've had dreams about the end of the world  and some did involve ufo's.  they tend to be some of my most realistic dreams.  i dont know what they mean but their cool in their on dismal way.

  11. I had a dream like you describe once.

    My entire life I've only lived in two houses (I'm 25).  While living at my previous house (10 years ago?) I had a dream where alien space crafts appeared in the sky.  I don't know if it was the end of the world, but I had an intense sense of terror.  The spaceship that stood out the most was a grey/glass pyramid.  I was standing in the backyard and it was night. They appeared low in the sky way in the distance, just above the roof of the house.  I don't know why I still remember this dream, I don't remember most dreams.  This one was especially scary for some reason - maybe that's why it has stuck with me.

    I'm pretty sure it's not a premonition of the future...being that I no longer live at that house where the dream was set.

  12. I had a vivid dream once where people were being taken into some kind of enormous craft. I had a bag packed and wasn't afraid to enter (that part of the dream is fuzzy on details)I got the feeling that something catastrophic had either happened or was about to happen.   I  remember I was walking in and looking around. It looked like some kind of post-Katrina refuge camp. Cots, people milling about, sitting with their bags.The space was huge. It went on and on as far as my eye could see. And then some  It seemed as if there was enough advanced warning for people to pack and prepare. I was alone and yet that didn't scare me either. I encountered a long lost friend and we were both so relieved to see each other. I had the feeling that we were being rescued by beings from another planet. They were trying to get as many people aboard as possible.

  13. No.

  14. i cant answer your question,but i am also curious about that because i used to get those dreams about the end of the world and i be outside and the wind would be blowing hard and it would be dark and people running every where nad i could not find any of my family,i would be alone,then i would wake up crying,but always remembered that dream,i still have those dreams but not as often,but i am also curious to find out

  15. Yes, they were marching as i hide under a carriage. They look like war combatants of the ancient world, most of them have horns. That was when I was 7 years old, It somehow resembles the seven horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  16. I have.  The scene is generally taking place in evening or sunset skies.  I am looking up and see strange formations, or lights moving.  Then I realize they are ufo's.   I seem to have these dreams quit often.

    In my dream I'm generally in a sense of wonder, not so much fear.

  17. Uhh.......

  18. I've had only one dream about the world ending and there were some kind of aircraft in the sky.  I assume they were UFO's but only because I had no idea what they were.  That was a crazy dream and I promise I had done nothing illegal beforehand.

  19. Well, I don't think really think about aliens, but right now I am reading a book about the end of the world and whats going to happen, it's called, 2008 God's Final Witness by Ronald Weinland. If you want you can order the book for free at the website I put. When you get there just click order free book.

  20. I have had many different dreams.  Some have been about UFOs.  Are you implying I can control the world by what I dream?  Cool.

  21. i had a dream one day where the all volcanos exploded leaving lava every where i saw god and i also saw the devil. but only god helped me in the dream he lifted me up otherwise  i could have been killed with the rest

  22. Never had a dream but I saw some wierd beings out in the farm field last year.

  23. I had a dream about the end of the world but not involving aliens. Strangely it reminded me of 9/11. A lot of planes, robots (not robo cop type...more like umm..gumdam wing/ escaflowne) and fire. These planes were HUGE, advanced and could shoot lasers at anyone. I remember seeing a lot of fire. It was scary. I think my dream was showing me what would happen if we went too far with technology. I had this dream about 2 years ago and I remember it so vividly.

  24. i have and it was terrible it was much like a war zone but instead of soldiers running it was us against them. I was trying to get out of my house and somewhere else when i was hiding from them. I couldn't see them. All i can hear are helicopters, gun fire and their weapons. It only happened once and havent thought too much of it because i had alot of dreams about the end of the world in one way or another. I was doing alot of MDMA at the time. Most ppl will say it was the drugs. I say it was the connections made with the aid of the hallucinogen itself.

  25. couple of times. once i dreamt it was judgment day, another i dreamt of a war destroying the world. no ufos though.

  26. no never what you been smoking

  27. My friend has had a reoccurring dream of the Spaceship coming to intercede in some nuclear situation.

  28. Yes I have. Both that you mentioned, in two separate occasions.

    Do you not even wonder why a significant number of ppl have had the same dream?

    Is it just a paranormal fenomena?

    Is it a glitch in the matrix?

    Are there any inteligent life-form from another planet trying to tell us something?

  29. I've had dreams about the end of the world.

  30. Often...  Usually I am outside my house (in the dream) and I look up to see the craft.  Or I am in bed and I feel tingly all over like my body fell asleep but I'm still awake.  Then I usually dream about being on a ship.  

    One time I drempt I was on a ship and it was pretty big because there was an arboretum and an alien hybrid with large eyes and wrinkled skin (and a mustache) offered me something to eat, only the plate had neatly ordered and colorfully adorn insects (cooked, not alive).  He told me it was edible and nutritious, I just couldn't eat a bug.  I could eat a raw eyeball if I knew it was safe, but not a bug.

  31. Right after I saw War of the Worlds (original version).

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