
Have you evolved as a human being in the past few years?

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Have you evolved as a human being in the past few years?




  1. instinctive answer is yes, but if i think more carefully about it, i'd say no, or not that much. i'm pretty much the same now as i was when i was 17

  2. yes i have  

  3. depends on what you mean. For me, I have matured in the past few years. That could be considered an "evolution."

  4. No

  5. Yes, I certainly have. With each second that passes I accumulate more experience in my life. Each day that passes I learn a little more wisdom then I had before. I have met new people in my life in the past few years that has opened my eyes to other perspectives. I have come to terms more with acceptance today then I had two years ago and it is my hope two years from now I will grow even further in my terms of acceptance.

  6. Of course! You're not really living unless you are constantly evolving.

  7. you can't can adapt

    I've learned to become more indifferent so that people don't bother me as much

  8. Well I think that most people do as long as they are emotionally fit and they look for ways in self improvement, social and economically.

    Adaptation and means for bettering the social structure of a common wealth in a society are the structures of evolving into a higher conscious being, The groundwork for changing along with the times and enviroment to progress with the future of mankind are what allows us to evolve.

    And become what we are today human beings. So my answer is Yes I have evovled into and still am evolveing into a conscious being.    

  9. Yes, I believe I have. I believe that if you aren't learning about the world *and* yourself, you aren't really living.

  10. Into a superhuman.

  11. I evolve everyday.  I do have strange things happen to me almost on a daily basis.  I try not to internalize these things and still remain at peace and love myself.  Evolving for me is controlling all negative emotions and respond only to the positive emotions.  When I feel things are not going well, I choose to act less impulsively then in the past.  I still do enjoy a fun night out though, which to some means I am still immature.  But, day to day I choose my thoughts.

  12. The goal of my life is to become a true human being. Right now, I am half the way

  13. definitely, in the past few years i have evolved more than i have in my entire life, and i can gladly say the internet has been a major contributor. It seems to be the "new library".

  14. Yes, I have, and I continue to evolve every day, week, month and year that passes - for the better, I think.  I think I grow a little wiser, a little more understanding of myself and those close to me, and a little more accepting.  I have faced a lot of sorrow, anger, fear, doubt and confusion, but I have also experienced great love and contentment, happiness, clarity, courage and insight. I am more sure of some things in my personal life than maybe I have ever been, but I'm a little less sure of my faith in humanity.

  15. I'd absolutely say yes. I live to grow and evolve and learn. I'm also a teenager, so Im no where near the same person I was a few years ago. But I don't believe we ever stop.

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