
Have you evr gone on a zipline??

by Guest59363  |  earlier

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can u tell me if was good or not?




  1. Yes! at camp i had to climb up a huge tree (scarred as heck) and they hook u up and strap u in and you fly down!!

  2. I have a Zipline in my backyard! It's one of those kid kinds, but still, really fun. I can only imagine what a real kind is like!

  3. yes, its fun but i got scared bc i was scared of heights

  4. Yes! I have gone on a few different ziplines. I went on one at camp that was pretty cool. You are wearing a harness and the zipline takes you over the lake and through the trees. It is beautiful to feel the wind in your face and see all that beautiful scenery.

    Also, my friend has one in her backyard, but this one is a little less safe. There is no harness and it is pretty high up. You just have to hold on for dear life and pray you don't fall. It was pretty scary at first, and it hurt my hands, but it was still GREAT.

    No matter what a zipline will be a great experience!

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