
Have you experienced discrimination lately? What was your experience?

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I was at Boy Scout camp last week as an adult leader and I took a training class that involved teaching us how to light a campfire - something I do fairly regularly in my everyday life. The instructor (an older guy), would not allow another woman and I to partner up for this event because "it wouldn't be fair".

I explained that she and I both light fires regularly, and that we aren't sure whom it wouldn't be fair to, but it certainly was not us, but he insisted that each of us pair with a male partner.

It has been quite a long time since I have been subjected to such blatent s*x discrimination, and it was unfortunate as well, because the third woman in our class, and her male partner did not have much experience, and had difficulty, and a pair of men were completely unsuccessful.

I didn't get my back up, because it would have been pointless, but it was rather shocking - definitely not a part of my daily experience. Have you run into anything lately? What is your experience?




  1. Uhm..someone recently wrote to me and said I should not support g*y marriage because im christian.

    Is that discrimination? not relaly did P*ss me off anyhow.

    so I told that person that I follow in my own way..and i dont like ppl telling what to do and being judgemental

  2. I think this is all crazy....I do not believe you should be in the boy scouts period.  However, since you are in it, you should be treated the exact same as any other scout.  Oh, and I just think or wonder why females who have such a strong desire to be a part of this do not come up with their own club including females only, or mix or whatever.  This is "Boy Scouts".

    Chuck Lee...please please don't wait my table if I ever go....oouuggh, just please don't.

    What if my son wanted to join the girl scouts and competed against them, or if I who was on the hooters tour for several years , why can I not get on the LPGA.  I just seriously don't understand.  It seems many people that say they want equality, actually want special treatment.

    I am sorry if this offends anyone, because I feel strongly this way.  I am not mad or angry or offended that you feel different, so I would hope you are okay with my speaking my belief on the subject.

  3. Oh, yes, and it's utterly insane!  Last week there was a power grid failure in my area and we lost power on a very humid day and as a result I was sweating profusely.  Even worse it took the utility company over 3 hours to restore the electricity because they were men (misogynists by definition) and hence wanted to oppress and discriminate against me on the basis of my heat intolerance.

    It's too difficult to even speak about, let me have a moment to catch my breath.

  4. That's kinda funny...

    Isn't the whole point of modern liberalism to create diversity and foster interaction between groups of people who were traditionally segregated during activities?

    I would be willing the bet the majority of people at this seminar were men...

    By not letting two of the three women at the event segregate themselves is sexist?

    This seems like a great example of:;...

  5. I think we all have experienced it once or twice in our lifetime, perhaps without even knowing it.

    Mine comes in the form of our adoption. We are white and the children we have adopted are black. Wasn't an issue to my husband and I, but it was sure an issue for others and our extended family.

    Because two of our children are adopted and two came to us biologically, my favorite all time "stupid" question is:

    "Which ones are your 'real' children?"

    Now that all of my children are older we have a thing we do... when someone is asking a stupid question or something that really just isn't any of their business we look at each other, shrug our shoulders and roll our eyes and we follow it up with something like "well, none are really mine, we signed them out from the library of kids, they are due back tomorrow".

    This usually shuts them up and we walk away.

  6. I've been dealing with discrimination my whole life because of the color of my skin.  I had an interesting experience overseas a few weeks ago,  Another person who was working in the same program, said something very racist (I can't even retype it here) in a condescending manner and tried to pass it off as a joke.  At that same moment on of this went down, some of the eastern europeans, and people from the country I was in all came to my defense and really shut this guy down.  It surprised me because I've been in similar situations in the workplace in my own country! (USA) where situations like this were ignored.

  7. Yes, I have experienced discrimination.

    My question was removed because I am not a feminist.

  8. Yes,

    My question was deleted because I'm a feminist.

    Hey look! We have the same issues.

  9. I applied for a job at Hooters last week but they turned me down because I'm a dude.  

    I have contacted an attorney.

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