
Have you experienced the paranormal, and what is your impression?

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Have you experienced the paranormal, and what is your impression?




  1. Yes I have, many times in my life. Because of the experiences I have encountered is what lead me to the drive for answers. I have spent a very large sum of money to research the paranormal for the past 30 years. I do not seek answers to prove anything to anyone but myself. I do not do this for money or fame. I have more than enough money which has never been an issue.

    I do not force my beliefs on anyone but I do know the truth and therefore will continue my quest until i am too old to go on, or until I have become satisfied in my findings.

  2. No, I haven't. I keep my eyes and ears open as much as I can, and on occasion something seemingly strange or weird can happen. When it does, I don't get spooked into believing in ghosts, but instead I go investigating for answers because I am the inquisitive sort. So far, nothing that has happened to me has been unexplainable. Try as I might, I can't point to one paranormal experience. But there is always another day :)

  3. Only two deja vu experiences and one telepathic one.  All more than forty-five years ago.  They were very strange, but interesting.  I wish they had kept up.

  4. yes i have experienced paranormal

    when i was 10-11 i lived in my great grandparent's house and the house was build on the ruins  of a  17 century mansion which was burned by a exploding of a gas pipe all around the mansion

    when i lived there  i ever hated not fall sleep or waking up in the mid of the night because we also heard noises of ppl talking in the house when no one was around.also i heard the noises of weagons pulled by horse.

    also a ruin tower of the mansion survired the fire and ppl who live in the same town said that a bloody hand appeared in the top of the tower and ppl washed it away and it appeared again.the hand mark as left by one of the slaves when the house burned he was burning and reached out leaving a bloody mark of his burning hand.

  5. Sure.  I used to be a human, and now I'm a toad.

    I prefer it this way.


  6. No.  I do a fairly decent Ronald Regan.

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